Maine Association of Non-Profits (MANP): Membership Opportunity

Renew or get a new membership for October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020 now.

Please complete the brief renewal survey as soon as possible:

To best serve the over 150 Maine Public libraries who are non-profit/private organizations, the Maine State Library is finalizing a contract with the Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP) to provide services to those libraries via a fully paid or subsidized membership to MANP.MANP member benefits are detailed on their website at: Member benefits extend to all library staff, board members, and volunteers within your organization.

The Maine State Library’s intent is to provide significant benefit to Maine’s non-profit public libraries in those areas where MANP knowledge and skills in the non-profit sector excel, such as  board governance, human resources, and financial management. MANP can help you:

  • Strengthen governance and leadership
  • Raise money
  • Develop financial leadership
  • Attract and develop staff and volunteers
  • Stay connected with and build awareness in your community
  • Manage technology

Libraries interested in membership are able to join at a greatly reduced cost, and in most cases there is no additional cost at all to the library, depending on your library’s budget:

Operating Budget

Cost to library

Under $400,000


$400,000 - $749,999


$750,000 - $999,999


Over $1M


Using this sliding scale represents significant savings for non-profit libraries and allows MSL to fully fund most Maine non-profit libraries but also provide discounted memberships to libraries with higher operating budgets. Currently we do not have enough funds to fund any municipal library’s non-profit associations or any library’s Friends group.  For those public libraries that are already MANP members and have paid dues, you will be reimbursed all or a percentage of your membership fee, depending on your renewal date.

We expect to have a contract in place with services beginning October 1, 2017.

Next steps!

Please fill out the following MANP membership application at SurveyMonkey:

The Maine State Library will coordinate with MANP regarding billing libraries that will owe a partial membership fee.  Please note that in order to receive a MANP membership,  you must submit fill out the membership request form at Survey Monkey:

The Maine State Library is thrilled to partner with MANP. We plan to use their expertise for specific library training which will be offered on a yearly basis.  By adding MANP expertise to MSL specialists and liaisons, Maine public libraries will receive more comprehensive services.



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