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Efficiency MaineElectricity Monitor Loaner Program |
Joy Adamson, the Education Program Manager at Efficiency Maine Trust, will be re-launching the Electricity Monitor Loaner Program. As you may know, the Trust is the independent administrator for programs to improve the efficiency of energy use and reduce greenhouse gases in Maine. They do this primarily by delivering financial incentives to purchase high-efficiency equipment or changes to operations that help customers save electricity, natural gas, and other fuels throughout the Maine economy.
When launched several years ago, the program involved supplying Maine’s libraries with electricity monitors to loan to their patrons to help homeowners determine the electricity use and cost of their appliances and electronics. They want to revitalize this program with Maine Public Libraries.
The Maine State Library has put together an online request form for libraries interested in the program.
Please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ElectricityMonitorLoaner
For more information contact Joy via email at: joy.adamson@efficiencymaine.com.