Home → For Libraries → Library Statistics → Data in Action
Data in Action Toolkit
Libraries are awash in data - circulation statistics, program attendance, door counts, and more. Is any of it useful? The answer is YES!
You can combine your annual report data with data from other sources to make a compelling case for your library's programs and services.
On this page, you'll find 'recipes' for various scenarios that librarians face when it comes to budgets, personnel or programs. Each recipe recommends using data from 4-5 sources:
- The long range plans of the library and community: Are the library's goals supporting the community's goals?
- The library's annual report data: Reports for each scenario have already been created for you to download.
- Community demographics: Who is in your community?
- National surveys and data: Is there national data that supports you?
- Other local data: What else is happening locally that you can compare to?
Let's get to work!
- Drafting and Justifying an Operating Budget [pdf, 318 KB]
- Changing Hours of Operation [pdf, 303 KB]
- Requesting an Increase in Staffing Levels [pdf, 280 KB]
- Requesting Staff Salary Increases [pdf, 308 KB]
- Defending Programming [pdf, 305 KB]
- Writing Grants [pdf, 282 KB]
If you'd like to create your own reports in LibPAS, download the guide [Word, 613KB].
For more information on using data to tell the library's story, visit the training resources page.