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Professional Collection Past Year Additions
The Maine State Library is now purchasing many new books related to library professional development and they are available for borrowing. Receive them through the van delivery or mail. Each district office may have a few titles for browsing.
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- Sort A-Z or Z-A for Author, Title and Publisher by clicking on the header; not all columns sort.
Author | Title | Publisher | Copyright |
Introduction to information science and technology edited by Charles H. Davis and Debora Shaw |
American Society for Information Science and Technology | 2011 | |
Weyandt, Hans | Read This! Handpicked Favorites from America's Indie Bookstores |
Coffee House Press | 2012 |
Bodart, Joni Richards | Radical Reads 2: Working with the Newest Edgy Titles for Teens |
The Scarecrow Press | 2010 |
Smallwood, Carol, Vera Gubnitskaia and Kerol Harrod | McFarland and Company, Inc. | 2012 | |
Tanner, James L. | Bookmark Graphics | 2011 | |
Potter, Ned | Facet Publishing | 2012 | |
Handley, Ann and C. C. Chapman | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 2012 | |
Phillips, Andrea | McGraw-Hill | 2012 | |
Association for Library Service to Children | The Newbery & Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the Medal and Honor Books (2012 ed.) |
American Library Association | 2012 |
Smith, Cassandra J. | Ethical Behaviour in the E-Classroom: What the Online Student Needs to Know |
Chandos Publishing | 2012 |
Kuhlthau, Carol C., Leslie K. Maniotes and Ann K. Caspari | Libraries Unlimited | 2007 | |
Kuhlthau, Carol C., Leslie K. Maniotes, and Ann K. Caspari | Guided Inquiry Design: a Framework for Inquiry in Your School |
Libraries Unlimited | 2012 |
Grover, Robert J. and Susan G. Fowler | Helping Those Experiencing Loss: a Guide to Grieving Resources |
Libraries Unlimited | 2011 |
Riddle, Johanna | Engaging the Eye Generation: Visual Literacy Strategies for the K-5 Classroom |
Stenhouse Publishers | 2009 |
Perper, Timothy and Martha Cornog | Libraries Unlimited | 2011 | |
Welsh, Anne and Sue Batley | Neal-Schuman | 2012 | |
MacLeod, Don | Prentice Hall Press | 2012 | |
Goldman, Jeremy | American Management Association | 2013 | |
Gilton, Donna L. | Lifelong Learning in Public Libraries: Principles, Programs, and People |
The Scarecrow Press | 2012 |
Hernon, Peter and Joseph R. Matthews | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Webber, Desiree, Dee Ann Corn, Elaine Harrod, Sandy Shropshire, Shereen Rasor, and Donna Norvell | Travel the Globe: Story Times, Activities, and Crafts for Children (2nd Ed.) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Lanning, Scott | Libraries Unlimited | 2012 | |
Antonelli, Monika and Mark McCullough | Library Juice Press | 2012 | |
Phillips, Andrea | McGraw Hill | 2012 | |
Schull, Diantha Dow | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Woolls, Blanche & David V. Loertscher | ala Editions | 2013 | |
Peters, Thomas A. and Lori Bell, eds. | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Moreillou, Judi | Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Elementary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact |
American Library Association | 2013 |
Hakala-Ausperk, Catherine | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
van Dam, Carla | The Socially Skilled Child Molester: Differentiating the Guilty from the Falsely Accused |
Routledge | 2013 |
Eberhart, George M. (ed.) | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Sullivan, Michael | American Library Association | 2013 | |
Smallwood, Carol and Kim Becnel, eds. | Library Services for Multicultural Patrons: Strategies to Encourage Library Use |
The Scarecrow Press | |
Bawden, David and Lyn Robinson | Neal-Schuman | 2013 | |
Levitov, Deborah D. ed. | Activism and the School Librarian: Tools for Advocacy and Survival |
Libraries Unlimited | 2012 |
Farmer, Lesley S. J. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Lear, Brett W. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
El-Sherbini, Magda | RDA: Resource Description & Access: Strategies for Implementation |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Jones, Ed | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Ghoting, Saroj Nadkarni and Pamela Martin-Diaz | Storytimes for Everyone! Developing Young Children's Language and Literacy |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Velasquez, Diane L. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Reale, Michelle | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Erlandson, Rene J. & Rachel A. Erb | Technology for Small and One-Person Libraries: An LITA Guide |
ALA TechSource | |
Matthews, Stephen A. and Kimberly D. Matthews | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Crawford, Walt | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Jones, Cherri and J. B. Petty | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Gasaway, Laura N. | Copyright Questions and Answers for Information Professionals: From the Columns of Against the Grain |
Purdue University Press | 2013 |
Reid, Rob | Huron Street Press | 2013 | |
Farney, Tabatha & Nina McHale | Web Analytics Strategies for Information Professionals: a LITA Guide |
ALA TechSource | 2013 |
Kennedy, Marie R. and Cheryl LaGuardia | Marketing Your Library's Electronic Resources: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Moran, Barbara B., Robert D. Stueart and Claudia J. Morner | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Hernon, Peter, Robert E. Dugan and Joseph R. Matthews | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Murphy, Sarah Anne (ed.) | The Quality Infrastructure: Measuring, Analyzing, and Improving Library Services |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Leeder, Kim and Eric Frierson (eds.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Johnson, Peggy | Developing and Managing Electronic Collections: The Essentials |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Weisburg, Hilda K. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Brown, Amy | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Cart, Michael | Cart's Top 200 Adult Books for Young Adults: Two Decades in Review |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Dando, Priscille | Say it with Data: A consise Guide to Making Your Case and Getting Results |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Del Negro, Janice M. | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell and Sarah Park Dahlen | Diversity in Youth Literature: Opening Doors through Reading |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Poe, Elizabeth A. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Smallwood, Carol (ed.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Stielow, Frederick | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Teitel, Martin | Emerson and Church Publishers | 2012 | |
Chan, Lois Mai and Edward T. O'Neill | FAST: Faceted Application of Subject Terminology Principles and Application |
Libraries Unlimited | 2010 |
Kincy, Chamya Pompey with Sara Shatford Layne | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Stickell, Lois and Bridgette Sanders, eds. | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Healey, Paul D. | Legal Reference for Librarians: How and Where to Find the Answers |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Crane, Beverley E. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Nims, Julia K, Paula Storm and Robert Stevens | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Roginski, Dawn R. | A Year in the Story Room: Ready-to-Use Programs for Children |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Klipper, Barbara | Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Maxwell, Robert L. | ALA Editions | 2013 | |
Anderson-Newman, Susan | Cooking up a Storytime: Mix-and-Match Menus for Easy Programming |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Shaia, Lisa M. | After-school Clubs for Kids: Thematic Programming to Encourage Reading |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Vardell, Sylvia M. | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Starkey, Monique Delatte | Young Adult Library Services Association | 2013 | |
Gruenberg, Michael L. | Information Today, Inc. | 2014 | |
Cleveland, Donald B. and Ana D. Cleveland | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Dobbs, Aaron W., Ryan L. Sittler & Douglas Cook (eds.) | ALA Tech Source | 2013 | |
MacMillan, Kathy & Christine Kirker | Baby Storytime Magic: Active Early Literacy Through Bounces, Rhymes, Tickles and More |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Foote, Diane (ed.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Bemis, Michael F. | Library and Information Science: A Guide to Key Literature and Sources |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Fetters, Linda K. | Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginning Indexers, 5th edition |
Information Today, Inc. | 2013 |
Ashworth, Kenneth H. | Caught Between the Dog and the Fireplug, or, How to Survive Public Service |
Georgetown University Press | 2001 |
Bennis, Warren G. | Basic Books | 2009 | |
Bennis, Warren G. | Geeks & Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders |
Harvard Business School Press | 2002 |
Bridges, William | Da Capo | 2003 | |
Buckingham, Marcus and Curt Coffman | First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently |
Simon & Schuster | 1999 |
Buckingham, Marcus | Free Press | 2001 | |
Buckingham, Marcus | The One Thing You Need to Know: About Great Managing, Great Leading and Sustained Individual Success |
Free Press | 2005 |
Buckingham, Marcus | Simon & Schuster Audio | 2005 | |
Buckingham, Marcus | Go Put Your Strengths to Work: 6 Powerful Steps to Achieve Outstanding Performance |
Free Press | 2007 |
Buckingham, Marcus | Simon & Schuster Audio | 2007 | |
Covey, Stephen | Free Press | 2004 | |
Covey, Stephen | The 8th Habit[sound recording]: From Effectiveness to Greatness |
Simon & Schuster Audio | 2004 |
Drucker, Peter F. | St. Martin's Press | 2002 | |
Galford, Robert M. | The Trusted Leader: Bringing Out the Best in Your People and Your Company |
Free Press | 2002 |
Goleman, Daniel | Harper | 2013 | |
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss | Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End |
Crown Business | 2004 |
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss | Confidence [sound recording]: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End |
Books on Tape | 2004 |
Kriegel, Robert J. | Warner Books | 1996 | |
Lencioni, Patrick | Jossey-Bass | 2002 | |
Lencioni, Patrick | Death by Meeting: A Leadership Fable -- About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business |
Jossey-Bass | 2004 |
Lencioni, Patrick | Audio Renaissance | 2004 | |
Olson, Christi A. | American Library Association | 2004 | |
Patterson, Kerry, et. al. | Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High |
McGraw-Hill | 2012 |
Quinn, Robert E. | The Deep Change Field Guide: A Personal Course to Discovering the Leader Within |
Jossey-Bass | 2012 |
Singer, Paula M. and Gail Grifith | Succession Planning in the Library: Developing Leaders, Managing Change |
American Library Association | 2010 |
Stueart, Robert D. and Maureen Sullivan | Neal-Schuman | 2010 | |
Drucker, Peter F. | McGraw-Hill | 2007 | |
Drucker, Peter f. | St. Martins Press | 2002 | |
Drucker, Peter F. | HarperBusiness | 1999 | |
Drucker, Peter F. | Truman Talley Books/Dutton | 1995 | |
Conner, Matthew | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Phelps, Adelaide Poniatowski and Carole J. McCollough | Coretta Scott King Award Books Discussion Guide: Pathways to Democracy |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Alessio, Amy J. | Mind-Bending Mysteries and Thrillers for Teens: A Programming and Readers' Advisory Guide |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Stan, Susan | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Buchanan, Heidi E. and Beth A. McDonough | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Ye, Yunshan | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Dietzel-Glair, Julie | Neal-Schuman | 2013 | |
Holt, Leslie E. and Glen E. Holt | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Heller, Mary Jo and Aarene Storms | Sex in the Library: A Guide to Sexual Content in Teen Literature |
VOYA Press | 2013 |
Maddigan, Beth and Susan Bloos | Community Library Programs That Work: Building Youth and Family Literacy |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Bandy, H. Anthony | eBooked! Integrating Free Online Book Sites into Your Library Collection |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Bailey, Alan R. | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Pawley, Christine and Louise S. Robbins | Libraries and the Reading Public in Twentieth-Century America |
The University of Wisconsin Press | 2013 |
Pinnell, Gay Su and Irene C. Fountas | Heinemann | 2011 | |
Curzon, Susan Carol | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Ramsdell, Kristin | Libraries Unlimited, Inc. | 1999 | |
Nelson, Bryce | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Bauder, Julia | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Booth, Heather & Karen Jensen (eds.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Butler, Rebecca P. | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Ghoting, Saroj Nadkarni and Kathy Fling Klatt | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Engberg, Gillian and Ian Chipman [eds.] | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Kotter, John P. | Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World |
Harvard Business Review Press | 2014 |
Sinek, Simon | Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action |
Portfolio/Penguin | 2011 |
Schmitz, Paul | Jossey-Bass | 2012 | |
Hernon, Peter (ed.) | Shaping the Future: Advancing the Understanding of Leadership |
Libraries Unlimited | 2010 |
Calhoun, Karen | Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, Practice, Prospects |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Johnson, Peggy | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Miller, Donalyn with Susan Kelley | Reading in the Wild: The Book Whisperer's Keys to Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits |
Jossey-Bass | 2014 |
Kemp, Adam | The Makerspace Workbench: Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Making |
MakerMedia | 2013 |
Carr, Mary M. | The Green Library Planner: What Every Librarian Needs to Know Before Starting to Build or Renovate |
The Scarecrow Press, Inc. | 2013 |
Hill, Barbara Albers | Breaking Through: Using Educational Technology for Children with Special Needs |
SquareOne Publishers | 2014 |
Dowd, Susan (ed.) | Beyond Book Sales: The Complete Guide to Raising Real Money for Your Library |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Miner, Jeremy T. and Lynn E. Miner | Greenwood | 2013 | |
Weiss, Andrew | ALA TechSource | 2014 | |
Evangeliste, Mary & Katherine Furlong (eds.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Irons, Kati | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Hammerman, Susan Summerfield | Researching Prospective Donors: Get More Funding for Your Library |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Bridges, Karl | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Sheridan, Gina | I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks |
Adams Media | 2014 |
Varnum, Kenneth J. (ed.) | ALA TechSource | 2014 | |
Schmidt, Aaron and Amanda Etches | Useful, Usable, Desirable: Applying User Experience Design to Your Library |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Dempsey, Lorcan | The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Crew, Hilary Susan | Experiencing America's Story Through Fiction: Historical Novels for Grades 7-12 |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Sowards, Steven W. and Elizabeth Leonard | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Whitlatch, Jo Bell and Susan E. Searing (eds) | Guide to Reference: Essential General Reference and Library Science Sources |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Modschiedler, Christa and Denise Beaubien Bennett (eds.) | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Albitz, Becky, Christine Avery, and Diane Zabel (eds.) | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Devine, Jane and Francine Egger-Sider | Going Beyond Google Again: Strategies for Using and Teaching the Invisible Web |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Pagowsky, Nicole and Miriam Rigby | The Librarian Stereotype: Deconstructing Perceptions & Presentations of Information Work |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2014 |
Bishop, Kay | The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices (5th ed.) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Hibner, Holly and Mary Kelly | Making a Collection Count: A Holistic Approach to Library Collection Management (2nd ed.) |
Chandos Publishing | 2013 |
Schanpp, Jeffrey T. and Matthew Battles | Harvard University Press | 2014 | |
McArdle, Megan M. | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
McDonald, Courtney Greene | Putting the User First: 30 Strategies for Transforming Library Services |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2014 |
Weir, Ryan O. | ALA Techsource | 2012 | |
Leonard, Elizabeth and Erin McCaffrey | Association of College and Research Libraries | 2014 | |
Halsted, Deborah D., Shari Clifton and Daniel T. Wilson | Library as Safe Haven: Disaster Planning, Response, and Recovery |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Thomsett-Scott, Beth C. | ALA Techsource | 2014 | |
Fletcher-Spear, Kristin and Kelly Tyler | Intellectual Freedom for Teens: A Practical Guide for Young Adult and School Librarians |
ALA Editions | 2014 |
Scales, Pat R. | Books Under Fire: A Hit List of Banned and Challenged Children's Books |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Santamaria, Daniel A. | Extensible Processing for Archives and Special Collections: Reducing Processing Backlogs |
Neal-Schuman | 2015 |
Moniz, Richard and Jean Moats | ALA Editions | 2014 | |
Griffey, Jason | ALA Techsource | 2014 | |
Anderson, Elsa | ALA Techsource | 2014 | |
Kim, Bohyun | The Library Mobile Experience: Practices and User Expectations |
ALA Techsource | 2013 |
Stoltz, Dorothy, Elaine M. Czarnecki, and Connie Wilson | Every Child Ready for School: Helping Adults Inspire Yung Children to Learn |
ALA Editions | 2013 |
Banks, Carrie Scott, Sandra Feinberg, Barbara Jordan, Kathleen Deerr, and Michelle Langa | Neal-Schuman | 2014 | |
Diamant-Cohen, Betsy and Melanie A. Hetrick | Transforming Preschool Storytime: A Modern Vision and a Year of Programs |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Ross, Catherine Sheldrick and Kirsti Nilsen | Communicating Professionally: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Edwards, Julie Biando, et al | Transforming Libraries, Building Communities: The Community-Centered Library |
The Scarecrow Press, Inc. | 2013 |
Wall, Cindy R. and Lynn M. Pawloski | The Maker Cookbook: Recipes for Children's and 'Tween Library Programs |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Daugherty, Alice L. and Michael F. Russo, eds. | Embedded Librarianship: What Every Academic Librarian Should Know |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Mering, Margaret ed. | The RDA Workbook: Learning the Basics of Resource Description and Access |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Eaton, Gale | The Education of Alice M. Jordan: Navigating a Career in Children's Librarianship |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Reidsma, Matthew | ALA TechSource | 2014 | |
Bagley, Caitlin A. | ALA TechSource | 2014 | |
Weisburg, Hilda K. and Ruth Toor. | New on the Job: A School Librarian's Guide to Success (2nd ed.) |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
McCollough, Carole J. and Adelaide Poniatowski Phelps (eds). | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Mitchell, Erik T. | ALA TechSource | 2013 | |
Burns, Christa and Michael P. Sauers | Neal-Schuman | 2014 | |
Miller, Stephen J. | Neal-Schuman | 2011 | |
Brown, Adrian | Practical Digital Preservation: A How-To Guide for Organizations of Any Size |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Huber, Jeffrey T. and Susan Swogger | Introduction to Reference Sources in the Health Sciences, Updated, Revised, and Expanded (6th ed.) |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Andrew, Paige G., Susan M. Moore, and Mary Larsgaard | RDA (Resource Description & Access) and Cartographic Resources |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Kirchhoff, Liz | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Nichols, Joel A. | Libraries Unlimited | ||
Hands, Africa S. | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Bizzle, Ben with Maria Flora | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Boog, Jason | Simon & Schuster | 2014 | |
Lewis, Alison (ed.) | Questioning Library neutrality: Essays from Progressive Librarian |
Library Juice Press | 2008 |
Goldsmith, Francisca | Libraries and the Affordable Care Act: Helping the Community Understand Health Care Options |
ALA Editions | |
Reid, Rob | Animal Shenanigans: 24 Creative, Interactive Story Programs for Preschoolers |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Herring, Mark Y. | Are Libraries Obsolete? An Argument for Relevance in the Digital Age |
McFarland & Co., Inc. | 2014 |
Alfino, Mark and Laura Koltutsky (eds.) | The Library Juice Press Handbook of Intellectual Freedom: concepts, Cases, and Theories |
Library Juice Press | 2014 |
Leckie, Gloria J., Lisa M. Given and JohnE. Buschman (eds.) | Libraries Unlimited | 2010 | |
Schroeder, Robert | Critical Journeys: How 14 Librarians Came to Embrace Critical Practice |
Library Juice Press | 2014 |
Garmer, Amy K. | The Aspen Institute | 2014 | |
Goodman, Amanda L. | ALA TechSource | 2014 | |
Valenza, Joyce Kasman, Brenda L. Boyer, and Della Curtis | ALA TechSource | 22014 | |
Hennig, Nicole | Selecting and Evaluating the Best Mobile Apps for Library Services |
ALA TechSource | 2014 |
Hollister, Christopher V. | Handbook of Academic Writing for Librarians, revised edition |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2014 |
Sullivan, Margaret | Library Spaces for 21st Century Learners: A Planning Guide for Creating New School Library Concepts |
American Association of School Librarians | 2013 |
Wilson, Lee | Fair Use, Free Use and Use by Permission: How to Handle Copyrights in All Media |
Allworth Press | 2005 |
Aufderheide, Patricia and Peter Jaszi | The University of Chicago Press | 2011 | |
Adams, Helen R. | Protecting Intellectual Freedom and Privacy in Your School Library |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Ernst, Linda L. | Neal-Schuman | 2015 | |
Hernon, Peter, Robert E. Dugan and Joseph R. Matthews | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Doyle, Robert P. | American Library Association | 2014 | |
vanDuinkerken,Wyoma, Wendi Arant Kaspar & Jeanne Harrell | ALCTS Publishing | 2014 | |
Tidal, Junior | ALA TechSource | 2015 | |
Smith, Kevin L. | Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2014 |
Pigza, Jessica | BIBLIOCraft: A Modern Crafter's Guide to Using Library Resources to Jumpstart Creative Projects |
STC Craft | 2014 |
Lanning, Scott | Reference and Instructional Services for Information Literacy Skills in School Libraries |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Freeman, Judy and Caroline Feller Bauer | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Wadham, Tim | Wordplay for Kids: A Sourcebook of Poems, Rhymes, and Read-Alouds |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
France, Anna Kaziunas | Maker Media | 2014 | |
Arndt, Theresa S. | ALA TechSource | 2015 | |
Rankin, Carolynn and Avril Brock eds. | Library Services from Birth to Five: Delivering the Best Start |
Facet Publishing | 2015 |
Fink, Megan P. | American Library Association | 2015 | |
Lang, David | Zero to Maker: Learn (Just Enough) to Make (Just About) Anything |
Maker Media | 2013 |
Aho, Melissa K. and Erika Bennett eds. | The Machiavellian Librarian: Winning Allies, Combating Budget Cuts, and Influencing Stakeholders |
Chandos Publishing | 2013 |
Higgins, Colin | Cataloging & Managing Film and Video Collections: A Guide to Using RDA and MARC 21 |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Swanson, Troy A. and Heather Jagman eds. | Not Just Where to Click: Teaching Students How to Think About Information |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2015 |
Gorman, Michael | Our Enduring Values Revisited: Librarianship in an Ever-Changing World |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Hamilton, Matthew and Dara Hanke Schmidt | Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Kim, Bohyun | ALA TechSource | 2015 | |
Mallery, Mary (ed.) | Technology Disaster Response and Recovery Planning: A LITA Guide |
ALA TechSource | 2015 |
Palfrey, John G. | BiblioTech: Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google |
Basic Books, a Member of the Perseus Book Group. | 2015 |
Association for Library Service to Children | The Newbery & Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the medal and Honor Books, 2015 edition |
American Library Association | 2015 |
Magi, Trina and Martin Garnar, eds. | ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom | 2015 | |
vanDuinkerken,Wyoma and Wendi Arant Kaspar | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Givens, Cherie L. | Information Privacy Fundamentals for Librarians and Information Professionals |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Burke, John J. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Vincent, Jane | Making the Library accessible for all: A Practical Guide for Librarians |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Harvey, Ross and Martha R. Mahard | the Preservation Management Handbook: A 21st Century Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Knox, Emily J. M. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Kelsey, Marie | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Duncan, Cheryl J. and Drika Day Peterson | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Saunders, Laura, Lillian Rozaklis, and Eileen G. Abels | Repositioning Reference: New Methods and New Services for a New Age |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Smallwood, Carol (ed.) | Creative Management of Small Public Libraries in the 21st Century |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Graves, Alice (ed.) | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Farmer, Lesley S. J. | Introduction to Reference and Information Services in Todays School Library |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Hammond, Heidi K. and Gail D. Nordstrom | Reading the Art in Caldecott Award Books: A Guide to the Illustrations |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Hastings, Robin | Making the Most of the Cloud: How to Choose and Implement the Best Services for Your Library |
The Scarecrow Press | 2014 |
Harmeyer, Dave | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Gubnitskaia, Vera and Carol Smallwood, eds. | How to Stem: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in Libraries |
The Scarecrow Press | 2014 |
Smallwood, Carol, Jason Kuhl, and Lisa Fraser | The Scarecrow Press | 2013 | |
Irwin, Julia and Dina Moore | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Pattee, Amy S. | The Scarecrow Press | 2014 | |
Gleason, Ann Whitney | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Koontz, Christie and Lorri Mon | Marketing and Social Media: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Sander, Janelle, Lori S. Mestre and Eric Kurt | Going Beyond Loaning Books to Loaning Technologies: A Practical Guide for Librarians |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Blakiston, Rebecca | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Larson, Jeanette | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Greene, Ellin and Janice M. Del Negro | Libraries Unlimited | 2010 | |
Koerber, Jennifer and Michael P. Sauers | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Macdonald, Margaret Read, Jennifer MacDonald Whitman and Nathaniel Forrest Whitman | August House | 2013 | |
Cassell, Kay Ann and Uma Hiremath | reference and Information Services: An Introduction (3rd ed.) |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Cassell, Kay Ann and Uma Hiremath | Reference and Information Services: An Introduction (3rd ed.) |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Collins, Rives and Pamela J. Cooper | Waveland Press, Inc. | 2005 | |
Fraser, Elizabeth | Reality Rules II: A Guide to Teen Nonfiction Reading Interests |
Libraries Unlimited | 2012 |
Hastings, Robin | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Carmicheal, David W. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2012 | |
Engard, Nicole C. | More Library Mashups: Exploring New Ways to Deliver library Data |
Information Today, Inc. | 2015 |
Jaeger, Paul T., Ursula Gorham, John Carlo Bertot, and Lindsay C. Sarin | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Leggett, Elizabeth R. | Digitization and Digital Archiving: A Practical Guide for Librarians |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 |
Burke, John J. | Library Technology Companion: A Basic Guide for Library Staff |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Wood, M. Sandra (ed.) | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Todaro, Julie | Rowman & Littlefield | 2014 | |
Martin, Victoria | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Hennig, Nicole | Apps for Librarians: Using the Best Mobile Technology to Educate, Create, and Engage |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Vnuk, Rebecca | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Velasquez, Jennifer | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Albrecht, Steve | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Moorman, John A. (ed) | Running a Small Library: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians (2nd ed.) |
Neal-Schuman | 2015 |
Hernon, Peter, Ellen Altman and Robert E. Dugan | Assessing Service Quality: Satisfying the Expectations of Library Customers (3rd ed.) |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
Alessio, Amy J., Katie Lamantia and Emily Vinci | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Schull, Diantha Dow | Archives Alive: Expanding Engagement with Public Library Archives and Special Collections |
ALA Editions | 2015 |
De Saulles, Martin | Information 2.0: New Models of Information Production, Distribution and Consumption (2nd ed.) |
Facet Publishing | 2015 |
Yelton, Andromeda | ALA TechSource | 2015 | |
Carpenter, Todd A. (ed.) | The Critical Component: Standards in the Information Exchange Environment |
ALCTS, ALA | 2015 |
Evans, G. Edward and Camila A. Alire | Neal-Schuman | 2013 | |
Hirsh, Sandra (ed.) | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Sandstrom, John and Liz Miller | Neal-Schuman | 2015 | |
Cole, Timothy W. and Myung-Ja K. Han | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Jin, Qiang | Demystifying FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Fountain, Joanna F. | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Haynes, Elizabeth, Joanna F. Fountain and Michele Zwierski | Unlocking the Mysteries of Cataloging: A Workbook of Examples (2nd ed.) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Gao, Fan Huang, Heather Tennison and Janet A. Weber | Libraries Unlimited | 2012 | |
Cornish, Graham P. | Copyright: Interpreting the law for Libraries, Archives and Information Services (6th ed.) |
Facet Publishing | 2015 |
Galbraith, Steven K. and Geoffrey D. Smith | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Wilkinson, Frances C., Linda K. Lewis and Rebecca L. Lubas | The Complete Guide to Acquisitions Management (2nd ed.)](http://ursus.maine.edu/record=b6186267~S14) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Aldrich, Margret | Coffee House Press | 2015 | |
Bowles-Terry, Melissa and Cassandra Kvenild | Association of College and Research Libraries | 2015 | |
Giesecke, Joan, Jon Cawthorne and Deb Pearson | Navigating the Future with Scenario Planning: A Guidebook for Librarians |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2015 |
Franks, Patricia C. | Neal-Schuman | 2015 | |
Alman, Susan W. and Sara Gillespie Swanson | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Johnson, Alex | Improbable Libraries: A Visual Journey to the World's Most Unusual Libraries |
The University of Chicago Press | 2015 |
Ruthvey, Ian and G. G. Chowdhury (eds.) | Neal-Schuman | ||
Evans, G. Edward, Sheila S. Intner and Jean Weihs | Libraries Unlimited | 2011 | |
Bilal, Dania | Library Automation: core concepts and Practical Systems Analysis (3rd ed.) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Kao, Bernice and Megan Pittsley-Fox | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Mckinney, Jerome B. | Effective Financial Management in Public and Nonprofit Agencies (4th ed.) |
Praeger | 2015 |
Mosley, Shelley E., Dennis C. Tucker and Sandra Van Winkle | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Orr, Cynthia | Libraries Unlimited | ||
Peck, Penny | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Richards, Pamela Spence, Wayne A Wiegand, and Marija Dalbello, eds. | A History of Modern Librarianship: Constructing the Heritage of Western Cultures |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Watson-Lakamp, Paula | Marketing Moxie for Librarians: Fresh Ideas, Proven Techniques, and Innovative Approaches |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Willingham, Theresa and Jeroen De Boer | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Beckstrom, Matthew | Protecting Patron Privacy: Safe Practices for Public Computers |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Rubenstein, Charles P. | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Bell, Suzanne S. | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Bluemel, Nancy Larson and Rhonda Harris Taylor | Libraries Unlimited | 2012 | |
Bomhold, Catharine and Terri Elder | Build It, Make It, Do It, Play It: Subject Access to the Best How-To guide for Children and Teens |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Disher, Wayne | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Freeman, Judy and Corline Feller Bauer | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Hopwood, Jennifer L. | Best STEM Resources for NextGen Scientists: The Essential Selection and User's Guide |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Lacy, Megan (ed.) | The Slow Book Revolution: Creating a New Culture of Reading on College Campuses and Beyond |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Mardis, Marcia A. | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Marks, Diana F. | The Big Book of Glues, Brews, and Goos: 500+ Kid-Tested Recipes and formulas for Hands-On Learning |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Miller, Joseph B. | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Moss, Rita W. and David G. Ernsthausen | Libraries Unlimited | 2012 | |
Piepenburg, Scott | Digitizing Audiovisual and Nonprint Materials: The Innovative Librarian's Guide |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Polette, Nancy J. | Gateway to Reading: 250+ Author Games and Booktalks to Motivate Middle Readers |
Libraries Unlimited | 2013 |
Wiegand, Wayne A. | Part of our Lives: A People's History of the American Public Library |
Oxford University Press | 2015 |
Torres-Roman, Steven A. and Cason E. Snow | Dragons in the Stacks: A Teen Librarian's Guide to Tabletop Role-Playing |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Willse, Elizabeth | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Bravender, Patricia, Hazel McClure and Gayle Schaub, eds. | Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson Plans for Librarians |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2015 |
Kepple, Sarah | Library Robotics: Technology and English Language Arts Activities for Ages 8-24 |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
Goldsmith, Francisca | Libraries Unlimited | 2016 | |
Mitchell, Erik | Metadata Standards and Web Services in Libraries, Archives, and Museums: An Active Learning Resource |
Libraries Unlimited | 2015 |
McAdoo, Monty L. | Neal-Schuman | ||
Knowles, Liz and Martha Smith | Libraries Unlimited | 2014 | |
Deschenes, Amy | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Liukas, Linda | Feiwel and Friends | 2015 | |
Joudrey, Daniel N., Arlene G. Taylor and David P. Miller | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Barr, Catherine | Libraries Unlimited | 2013 | |
Hovious, Amanda S. | Libraries Unlimited | 2016 | |
Friedman, Alon | Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 | |
Stone-MacDonald, Angi, Kristen Wendell, Anne Douglass and Mary Lu Love | Engaging Young Engineers: Teaching Problem-Solving Skills Through STEM |
Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company | 2015 |
Vardell, Emily (ed.) | The Medical Library Association Guide to Answering Questions about the Affordable Care Act |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Marquis, Kathy and Leslie Waggener | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Naidoo, Jamie Campbell | Diversity Programming for Digital Youth: Promoting Cultural Competence in the Children's Library |
Libraries Unlimited | 2014 |
Caro, Susanne | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
MacMillan, Kathy and Christine Kirker | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Barbakoff, Audrey | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Rubin, Richard E. | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Magi, Trina and Martin Garnar, eds. | ALA Editions | 2015 | |
Hahn, Daniel | Oxford University Press | 2015 | |
Brenndorfer, Thomas | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Holley, Robert P. | Self-Publishing and Collection Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries |
Purdue University Press | 2015 |
Zeng, Marcia Lei and Jian Qin | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Lackie, Robert J. and M.Sandra Wood (eds.) | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Dority, G. Kim | Libraries Unlimited | 2016 | |
Forrestal, Valerie | Knowledge Management for Libraries (Library Technology Essentials no. 5) |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Hooper, Brad | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Hartnett, Cassandra J., Andrea L. Sevetson and Eric J. Forte | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Brown, Marcia F. | Well Read, Well Fed: A Year of Great Reads and Simple Dishes for Book Groups |
Sellers Publishing | 2015 |
Oliver, Gillian and Ross Harvey | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Notari, Michele, Rebecca Reynolds, Samuel Kai Wah Chu, and Beat Dobeli Honegger | The Wiki Way of Learning: Creating learning Experiences Using Collaborative Web Pages |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Kroski, Ellyssa | Cosplay in Libraries: How to Embrace costume Play in Your Library |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 |
Keeler, Hali R. | Foundations of Library Services: An Introduction for Support Staff |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 |
Berkman, Robert I. | Find It Fast: Extracting Expert Information from Social Networks, Big Data, Tweets, and More |
CyberAge Books | 2015 |
Solomon, Laura | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Burke, John J. | Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion: A Basic Guide for Library Staff (5th ed.) |
Neal-Schuman | 2016 |
Charbonnet, Lisa | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Coyle, Karen | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Hayn, Judith A., Jeffrey S. Kaplan, Amanda L. Nolen, and Heather A. Olvey | Rowman & Littlefield | 2015 | |
Hubbard, Melissa A., Robert H. Jackson, and Arnold Hirshon, eds. | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Knoll, Debra J. | Engaging Babies in the Library: Putting Theory into Practice |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Stoltz, Dorothy | Inspired Collaboration: Discovering and Applying Your Potential |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Tanzi, Nicholas | Libraries Unlimited | 2016 | |
Association for Library Service to Children | The Newbery & Caldecott Awards: a guide to the medal and honor books, 2016 edition |
American Library Association | 2016 |
Ackermann, Eric, ed. | ACRL | 2015 | |
Bradley, Phil | Facet Publishing | 2015 | |
Breeding, Marshall, ed. | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Broughton, Vanda | Neal-Schuman | 2015 | |
Brown, Nicole E., Kaila Bussert, Denise Hattwig and Ann Medaille | Visual literacy for libraries: a practical, standards-based guide |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Clark, Rhonda and Nicole Wedemeyer Miller | Fostering family history services: a guide for librarians, archivists, and volunteers |
Libraries Unlimited | 2016 |
Farmer, Lesley S. J. & Alan M. Safer | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Gross, Melissa, Cindy Mediavilla and Virginia A. Walter | 5 steps of outcome-based planning & evaluation for public libraries |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Haines, Claudia and Cen Campbell | Becoming a media mentor: a guide for working with children and families |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Hale, Dawn, ed. | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
van Hooland, Seth and Ruben Verborgh | Linked data for libraries, archives and museums: how to clean, link and publish your metadata |
Neal-Schuman | 2014 |
Hopkins, Carol Garnett | Artsy toddler storytimes: a year's worth of ready-to-go programming |
Neal-Schuman | 2013 |
Kaplan, Richard, ed. | Neal-Schuman | 2012 | |
Markless, Sharon (ed.), Elizabeth Bentley, Sarah Pavey, Sue Shaper, Sally Todd, Carol Webb | Facet Publishing | 2016 | |
Pedley, Paul | Practical copyright for library and information professionals |
Facet Publishing | 2015 |
Purcell, Aaron D. | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Stephens, Michael | The heart of librarianship: attentive, positive, and purposeful change |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Markless, Sharon and David Streatfield | Facet Publishing | 2013 | |
Anderson, Davis Eris and Raymond Pun (eds.) | Career transitions for librarians: proven strategies for moving to another type of library |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 |
Harger, Elaine | Which side are you on? Seven social responsibility debates in American librarianship, 1990-2015 |
McFarland & Company | 2016 |
Kipp, Angela | Managing previously unmanaged collections: a practical guide for museums |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 |
Mathews, Brian and Leigh Ann Soistmann | Encoding space: shaping learning environments that unlock human potential |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2016 |
Cart, Michael | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Artman, Julie, Jeff Sundquist and Douglas R. Dechow | the craft of librarian instruction: using acting techniques to create your teaching presence |
Association of College and Research Libraries | 2016 |
Ford, Nigel | Facet Publishing | 2015 | |
Ross, Sheri V. T. and Sarah W. Sutton | Libraries Unlimited | 2016 | |
Thomas, Lynne M. and Beth M. Whittaker, Eds. | New Directions for Special Collections: An Anthology of Practice. |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Alvarez, Barbara | ALA Editions | 2016 | |
Dietzel-Glair, Julie | Nonfiction in motion: connecting preschoolers with nonfiction books through movement |
ALA Editions | 2016 |
Farmer, Lesley S. J. | Managing the successful school library: strategic planning and reflective practice |
Neal-Schuman | 2017 |
Reed, Sally Gardner | The good, the great, and the unfriendly: a librarians guide to working with friends groups |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Gerding, Stephanie K. and Pamela H. MacKellar | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Koufogiannakis, Denise and Alison Brettle | Neal-Schuman | 2016 | |
Kowalsky, Michelle and John Woodruff | Creating inclusive library environments: a planning guide for serving patrons with disabilities |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Boomhower, Daniel and Edward Komara, eds. | A basic music library: essential scores and sound recordings, volume I: popular music (4th ed) |
American Library Association | 2017 |
Radford, Marie L. and Gary P. Radford | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Bannerjee, Kyle and Bonnie Parks | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Middleton, Kathy L. | Yes! on Demand: How to Create Winning, Customized Library Service |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Moniz, Richard, Joe Eshleman, Jo Henry, Howard Slutzky and Lisa Moniz | The Mindful Librarian: connecting the Practice of Mindfulness to Librarianship |
Chandos Publishing | 2016 |
Verma, Henrietta | Mission Bell Media | 2017 | |
Adler, Melissa | Cruising the Library: Perversities in the Organization of Knowledge |
Fordham University Press | 2017 |
Lemmer, Catherine A. and Carla P. Wale, eds. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2017 | |
Holden, Jesse | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Goldsmith, Francisca | ALA Editions | 2017 | |
Sweeney, Patrick and John Chrastka | Winning Elections and Influencing Politicians for Library Funding |
Neal-Schuman | 2017 |
McChesney, Elizabeth M., and Brian W. Wunar | ALA Editions | 2017 | |
Almquist, Arne J. and Sharon G. Almquist | Intrapreneurship Handbook for Librarians: How to Be a Change Agent in Your Library |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Borel, Brooke | University of Chicago Press | 2016 | |
McNeil, Beth | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Scherrer, Katie | Stories, Songs, and Stretches! Creating Playful Storytimes with Yoga and Movement |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Millar, Laura A. | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Pierce, Jennifer Burek | Sex, Brains, & Video Games: Information and Inspiration for Youth Services Librarians |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Posner, Beth (ed.) | Library Information and Resource Sharing: Transforming Services and Collections |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Sankey, Michael L. and Cynthia Hetherington | Facts on Demand Press | 2017 | |
Verminski, Alana & Kelly Marie Blanchat | Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Sittler, Ryan L. and Aaron W. Dobbs, eds. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2016 | |
Lemire, Sarah and Kristen J. Mulvihill | Serving Those Who Served: Librarian's Guide to Working with Veteran and Military Communities |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
McCook, Kathleen de la Pena and Jenny S. Bossaller | Neal-Schuman | 2018 | |
Fleming, Laura | Corwin | 2018 | |
Howard, Jody K. | Libraries Unlimited | 2017 | |
Schlipf, Fred and John A. Moorman | The Practical Handbook of Library Architecture: Creating Building Spaces that Work |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Dobbs, Aaron W. (ed.) | Association of College and Research Libraries | 2017 | |
Harris, Lesley Ellen | Licensing Digital Content: A Practical Guide for Librarians (3rd ed.) |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Henry, Jo, Joe Eshleman and Richard Moniz. | The Dysfunctional Library: Challenges and Solutions to Workplace Relationships |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Monson, Jane D. | Getting Started with Digital Collections: Scaling to Fit Your Organization |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Schultz, Janice Lindgren | Helping Patrons Find Their Roots: A Genealogy Handbook for Librarians |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Alessio, Amy J., Katie LaMantia and Emily Vinci | 50+Fandom Programs: Planning Festivals and Events for Tweens, Teens, and Adults |
ALA Editions | 2017 |
Johnson, Peggy | Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management (4th ed.) |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Phillips, Faye | ALA Editions | 2017 | |
Proffitt, Merrilee | ALA Editions | 2018 | |
Sannwald, William W. | ALA Neal-Schuman | 2018 | |
Antonucci, Carl and Sharon Clapp eds. | The LITA Leadership Guide: The Librarian as Entrepreneur, Leader, and Technologist |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2017 |
Barclay, Donald A. | Fake News, Propaganda, and Plain Old Lies: How to Find Trustworthy Information in the Digital Age |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2018 |
Fernandez, Peter D. and Kelly Tilton eds. | Association of College and Research Libraries | ||
Hastings, Robin M. | Planning Cloud-Based Disaster Recovery for Digital Assets: The Innovative Librarian's Guide |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Powell, Melissa M. ed. | Libraries Unlimited | 2018 | |
Haycock, Ken and Mary-Jo Romaniuk, eds. | Libraries Unlimited | 2018 | |
Weihs, Jean and Sheila S. Intner | Libraries Unlimited | 2017 | |
Evans, G. Edward and Holland Christie | Managerial Leadership for Librarians: Thriving in the Public and Nonprofit World |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Doyle, Robert P. | American Library Association | ||
Dowd, Ryan J. | American Library Association | 2018 | |
Connors, Abigail Flesch | Exploring the Science of Sounds: 100 Musical Activities for Young Children |
Gryphon House | 2017 |
Mediavilla, Cindy | American Library Association | 2018 | |
Moulaison, Heather Lea and Raegan Wiechert | Libraries Unlimited | 2015 | |
Hennig, Nicole | Keeping Up with Emerging Technologies: Best Practices for Information Professionals |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Flaherty, Mary Grace | The Library Staff Development Handbook: How to Maximize Your Library's Most Important Resource |
Rowman & Litlefield | 2017 |
Reid, Rob | American Library Association | 2018 | |
Taylor, Nick D. | Raising the Tech Bar at Your Library: Improving Services to Meet User Needs |
Libraries Unlimited | 2017 |
Young, Scott W. H. and Doralyn Rossmann, eds. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2017 | |
Shaffer, Gary L. | Creating the Sustainable Public Library: The Triple Bottom Line Approach |
Libraries Unlimited | 2018 |
Bastian, Jeannette A., Megan Sniffin-Marinoff and Donna Webber | Archives in Libraries: What Librarians and Archivists Need to Know to Work Together |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Carson, Jenn | Get Your Community Moving: Physical Literacy Programs for All Ages |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Cooke, Nicole A. | Fake News and Alternative Facts: Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Era |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Flaherty, Mary Grace | ALA Editions | 2018 | |
Gisolfi, Peter | ALA Editions | 2018 | |
Joseph, Claire B. | The Medical Library Association Guide to Developing Consumer Health Collections |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2018 |
Stoltz, Dorothy with Gail Griffity, James Kelly, Muffie Smith, and Lynn Wheeler | Transform and Thrive: Ideas to Invigorate Your Library and Your Community |
ALA Editions | |
Cassell, Kay Ann and Uma Hiremath | Reference and Information Services: An Inroduction (4th ed). |
Neal-Schuman | 2018 |
Franks, Patricia C. | Neal-Schuman | 2018 | |
Panetta, Karen and Katianne Williams | Chicago Review Press | 2018 | |
Association for Library Service to Children | The Newbery & Caldecott Awards: A Guide to the Medal and Honor Books, 2018 ed. |
American Library Association | 2018 |
Dorr, Christina and Liz Deskins | ALA Editions | 2018 | |
Koerber, Jennifer | Library Services for Immigrants and New Americans: Celebration and Integration |
Libraries Unlimited | 2018 |
Seymour, Gina | Makers with a Cause: Creative Service Projects for Library Youth |
Libraries Unlimited | 2018 |
Bennett-Kapusniak, Renee | Libraries Unlimited | 2018 | |
Forrestal, Valerie and Tinamarie Vella | Using Twitter to Build Communities: A Primer for Libraries, Archives, and Museums |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2018 |
Grabarek, Kristin and Mary R. Lanni | Early Learning Through Play: Library Programming for Diverse Communities |
Libraries Unlimited | 2019 |
Norfolk, Sherry and Lyn Ford, eds. | Storytelling Strategies for Reaching and Teaching Children with Special Needs |
Libraries Unlimited | 2018 |
Kowalczyk, Stacy T. | Libraries Unlimited | 2018 | |
Wilkinson, Frances C. and Sever Bordeianu, eds. | Libraries Unlimited | 2018 | |
Baumgart, Nichole A. and Linda R. Kroll | Redleaf Press | 2018 | |
Gubnitskaia, Vera and Carol Smallwood | Creativity for Library Career Advancement: Perspectives, Techniques and Eureka Moments |
McFarland and Company, Inc. | 2019 |
Hussey, Lisa K. and Diane L. Velasquez, eds. | ALA Editions | 2019 | |
Vardell, Sylvia M. | Children's Literature in Action: A Librarian's Guide (3rd Ed. |
Libraries Unlimited | 2019 |
Chrastka, John and Patrick "PC" Sweeney | Before the ballot: building political support for library funding |
ALA/Neal-Schuman | 2019 |
Batykefer, Erinn and Laura Damon-Moore | ALA Editions | 2019 | |
Halaychik, Corey and Blake Reagan | Libraries Unlimited | 2020 | |
Doucett, Elisabeth | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Hunter, Gregory S. | Neal-Schuman | 2020 | |
Rinio, Deborah | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Alexander, Sally | ALA Editions | 2021 | |
Hess, Amanda Nichols | Modular Online Learning Design: A Flexible Approach for Diverse Learning Needs |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Anderson, Cordelia | Library Marketing and Communications: Strategies to Increase Relevance and Results |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Seibert, Heather L. et al eds. | The Library Workplace Idea Book: Proactive Steps for Positive Change |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Kerby, Mona | An Introduction to Collection Development for School Librarians |
ALA Editions | 2019 |
Dodge, Hillary | Gather 'Round the Table: Food Literacy Programs, Resources and Ideas for Public Libraries |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Hughes-Hassell, Sandra | Collection Management for Youth: Equity, Inclusion and Learning |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Kroski, Ellyssa ed. | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Kirker, Christine M. | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Fourner, Mary Davis and Sarah Ostman, eds. | Ask, Listen, Empower: Grounding Your Library Work in Community Engagement |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Bignoli, Calla | Responding to Rapid Change in Libraries: A User Experience Approach |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Henry, Jo | Cultivating Civility: Practical Ways to Improve a Dysfunctional Library |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Zabel, Diane and Lauren Reiter, eds. | Envisioning the future of Reference: Trends, Reflections and Innovations |
Libraries Unlimited | 2020 |
Rubin, Richard E. and Rachel G. Rubin | ALA Neal Schuman | 2020 | |
Grove, Cindy | Libraries and the Substance Abuse Crisis: Supporting Your Community |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Hughes, Kathleen M. and Jamie Santoro, eds. | Pivoting During the Pandemic: Ideas for Serving Your Community Anytime, Anywhere |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Price, Chelsea | ALA Editions | 2021 | |
Donham, Jean and Chelsea Sims | Enhancing Teaching and Learning: A Leadership Guide for School Librarians, 4th ed. |
ALA Neal Schuman | 2020 |
Weisburg, Hilda K. | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Scales, Pat R. | Teaching Banned Books: 32 Guides for Children and Teens, 2nd ed. |
ALA Editions | 2020 |
Kroski, Ellyssa, ed. | Makerspaces in Practice: Successful Models for Implementation |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Mune, Christina D. | Libraries Supporting Online Learning: Practical Strategies and Best Practices |
Libraries Unlimited | 2020 |
Sittler, Ryan L and Terra J. Rogerson, eds. | Association of College and Research Libraries | ||
Smith, Kevin L. and Erin L. Ellis, eds. | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Tolley, Rebecca | ALA Editions | 2020 | |
Horton, Valerie | (Launching Large Scale Library Initiatives: Innovation and Collaboration)[https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b9016545~S1] |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Madigan, Maura | 9Learning Centers for School Librarians)[https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b9016546~S1] |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Marrall, Rebecca M. | (Developing a Library Accessibility Plan: A Practical Guide for Librarians)[https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b9017278~S1] |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2020 |
Oliver, Chris | (Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics After 3R)[https://ursus.maine.edu/record=b9009604~S1] |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
White, Bruce | Spreadsheets for Librarians: Getting Results with Excel and Google Sheets |
Libraries Unlimited | 2021 |
Bober, Tom | Libraries Unlimited | 2021 | |
Hamill, Lois | Rowman & Littlefield | 2021 | |
Stephens, Wendy | Mindful School Libraries: Creating and Sustaining Nurturing Spaces and Programs |
Libraries Unlimited | 2021 |
West, Silke Rose and Joseph Sarosy | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | 2021 | |
Katz, Stephanie | Libraries Publish: How to Start a Magazine, Small Press, Blog, and More |
Libraries Unlimited | 2021 |
Forrest, Charles and Martin Halbert, eds. | Rowman & Littlefield | 2020 | |
Willey, Paula and Andria L. Amaral | The Passive Programming Playbook: 101 Ways to Get Library Customers off the Sidelines |
Libraries Unlimited | |
Thomsett-Scott, Beth C., ed. | ALA Neal Schuman | 2020 | |
Hamilton, Deborah A. | Libraries Unlimited | 2021 | |
Winkelstein, Julie Ann | Libraries Unlimited | 2021 | |
Fuller, Joy L. | Public Library Association | 2021 | |
Zwierski, Michele, Joanna F. Fountain, and Marilyn McCroskey | Cataloging Correctly for Kids: An Introduction to the Tools and Practices |
ALA Editions | 2021 |
Lopez, M. Elana, Gharat Mehra, and Margaret Caspe, eds. | Libraries Unlimited | ||
Berman, E. and Tijerina, B. | The Ultimate Privacy Field Guide: A Workbook of Best Practices |
ALA Editions. | 2023 |
Kipps, Kayla and Jones, Alison Kaiser | Collection Management in the Cloud: A Guide for using Cloud Computing Technologies in Libraries |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2022 |
Cart, Michael | Young Adult Literature: From Romance to Realism (4th edition) |
ALA Neal-Schuman | 2022 |
Newman, Bobbi L. | Fostering wellness in the workplace: A handbook for libraries |
ALA Editions | 2022 |
Overby, Tracey and Folk, Amanda L. | ALA Editions | 2022 | |
Searcy, Carly Wiggins | Project management in libraries : on time, on budget, on target |
ALA Editions | 2018 |
Matthews, Joseph R | The Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services (2nd edition) |
Libraries Unlimited | 2018 |
Dewan, Pauline and Lacey, Meagan | The readers' advisory guide to genre blends for children and young adults |
ALA Editions | 2022 |
Voels, Sarah | Libraries Unlimited | 2022 | |
Miller, Steven J. | ALA Neal-Schuman | 2022 | |
Roued-Cunliffe, Henriette and Copeland, Andrea | Facet Publishing | 2017 | |
Ryan, Heather and Sampson, Walker | Facet Publishing | 2018 | |
Thomas, David, Fowler, Simon and Johnson, Valerie | ALA Neal-Schuman | 2017 | |
Pavey, Sarah | Facet Publishing | 2024 | |
Knowlton, Steve A., Pozzi, Ellen M., Sly, Jordan S., and Spunaugle, Emily D., eds. | Libraries Without Borders: New Directions in Library History |
ALA Editions | 2024 |
Oltmann, Shannon M., ed. | Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited | 2023 | |
Medaille, Ann | The Librarian's Guide to Learning Theory: Practical Applications in Library Settings |
ALA Editions | 2024 |
Rimmer, Helen | The Kind Librarian: Cultivating a Culture of Kindness and Wellbeing in Libraries |
Facet Publishing | 2024 |
Barbakoff, Audrey and Lenstra, Noah | ALA Editions | 2024 | |
Lane, Faith | Rural Librarianship From Surviving to Thriving: Information Leadership for the 21st Century |
Faith Lane Books | 2023 |
Hand, Dorcas, Sara Kelly Johns, Michelle Robertson, and Eryn Duffee | Strengthening Library Ecosystems: Collaborate for Advocacy and Impact |
ALA Editions | 2024 |
Austin, Jeanie | Library Services and Incarceration: Reorganizing Barriers, Strengthening Access |
ALA Neal-Schuman | 2022 |
Ross, Catherine Sheldrick, Kirsti Nilsen, and Marie L. Radford | Conducting the Reference Interview: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians |
ALA Neal-Schuman | |
Calzada, Becky, Val Edwards, and Maegan Coffin Heindel | ALA Editions | 2024 | |
Jamison, Andrea | Decentering Whiteness in Libraries: A Framework for Inclusive Collection Management Practices |
Rowman & Littlefield | 2024 |
Jarvis, Zeke | Bloomsbury Academic | 2024 | |
Hirsh, Sandra | Rowman and Littlefield | 2024 | |
Harris, Dave | Literature Review and Research Design: A Guide to Effective Research Practice |
Routledge | 2020 |
Hallman, Shamichael | Meet Me at the Library: A Place to Foster Social Connection and Promote Democracy |
Island Press | 2024 |