Savings for Libraries Through Maine State Library (MSL) ServicesAbout MSL services

Determine the Value of MSL Services

What would be the impact on your library's budget if the Maine State Library didn't provide, subsidize or negotiate for some of the services libraries and their patrons use every day? Use the following chart to calculate how much you save because you don't have to pay full price for things like an Internet connection or materials purchases.

  • Use "1" if the answer to a question is "Yes; Use "0" if the answer is "No."
  • If there is a blank in the question, fill in the actual number (hours/year, $ value, etc.)
  • Use .5 for 1/2 hour or similar decimals for factions of hours.
  • Estimated retail value of each service will be calculated on the right after you hit "enter" or tab to the next box.
  • Total value of MSL services to your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
  • Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
Value of Library Services - Use a "1" for "Yes"; "0" for "No"
Input Your
Library Services Value of

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