Data & Map Maintenance

Changes to Report

Changes within a community that should be reported, the appropriate form, and who should receive it are listed below:

  • Changes in emergency response for the whole town or part of a town:
    Emergency Service Zone Form
    Provide to: Emergency Services Communication Bureau, 207-287-1039 (fax)

  • New roads, road name changes, road extensions, deletions, creation of new addresses & address reassignments:

    Contributor can be used to make changes to the 911 mapping system. You will need to be a registered Addressing Officer. If you have any questions, you can call 800-665-2830.

  • Click to watch Contributor Training.

  • Telephone Number Maintenance is of vital importance and will help ensure the public receives full system benefits.

  • 9-1-1 Database Errors

If a 9-1-1 caller reports a different address than what automatically appears on the dispatcher's screen, an error report is generated. The 9-1-1 Addressing Officer will be contacted by the local phone company for the correct address. It is critical that these error reports are responded to within 24 hours of receipt.