Join Judy Outside: Solstice Edition

By Commissioner Judy Camuso

This year I opted to celebrate the winter solstice by watching the sun rise over the ocean off Prouts Neck in Scarborough.  The scene was incredible and no matter how many times I watch the sunrise, I am always rewarded with nature’s beauty and solace and glad I dragged myself out of bed at 3:30 am. 

My First Christmas Bird Count

By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer

I have a confession to make: I’ve never participated in Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC)…until now. I don’t have a good excuse why I never before donned my binoculars to collect data during this nationwide event that occurs every December, I just never prioritized it. That all changed on a recent warm, rainy, Saturday in December.

Fisheries Biologists Involved with Hydropower Renewal Projects in Maine

By Assistant Regional Fisheries Biologist Nick Kalejs

Join Judy Outside: Opting Out Every Day

By Commissioner Judy Camuso

A Patch for Pollinators

By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer

Back in 2012, I discovered that my septic was failing and required an overhaul. Although it was a major inconvenience familiar to many residents of rural areas, it turned into a success story for pollinators!

Monarchs Inspire a Closer Look at Another Garden Visitor

By Wildlife Biologist Kendall Marden

It was predicted to be a less than perfect year for monarch butterflies in the northeast due to the cold, wet weather that lasted into the early summer. That may be true, but as always with wildlife, it's easy to assume something about a larger population from individual experiences that may only be true in a small area.

Invasive Plants – Trouble for Maine’s Wildlife

By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer

Getting you to the Blue Parks

By Diano Circo, Chief Planner

Maine Warden Services Graduates New Game Wardens

By Corporal John MacDonald The Maine Warden Service recently graduated eight new game wardens at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro. Seven of these game wardens work for the Maine Warden Service and one is a Penobscot Tribal Game Warden. They all recently completed an extensive 13-week advanced academy focused specifically on game warden work. The Advanced Warden Academy followed the 18-week Basic Law Enforcement Training Program (BLETP) required of all full-time Maine police officers.

Private Landowners Key To Success Of Wildlife And Fisheries

By Assistant Regional Wildlife Biologist Brad Zitske Working as a wildlife biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife in the busiest region in the state means I spend a lot of time talking with people. In fact, we tend to work with people more than we work with wildlife itself. Many wildlife biologists get into the career to further their education of species and habitats and to spend time outside enjoying the natural resources that we are mandated to protect, preserve, and enhance.