Join Judy Outside: Opening Day
Over the past year, Covid 19 has changed almost every aspect of my life; from where and how I work, getting groceries, working out and most of all how often I get outside. I am an outdoor person, and I have always used the outdoors to help me manage stress and anxiety.

Mighty Mini Owls
Though calm in appearance, a feisty female saw-whet owl snapped her beak repeatedly, warning us of her very sharp, curved upper beak. With zygodactyl feet, two toes are usually in the front and two in the back, however, owls have the unique ability to rotate their fourth digit to the front, allowing them to perch, hold food, and grab prey.
Join Judy Outside: Fall Migration
Sunday morning, I was vacuuming the living room, and over the drone of the vacuum I heard the telltale song of a black-billed cuckoo… “cu cu cu cu”…“cu cu cu cu.” I paused for a second, and thought “did I just hear that?”
Make the Most of Your Staycation, Hire a Registered Maine Guide
This summer is a great opportunity to explore all Maine has to offer and try something new. But sometimes it can be intimidating to go to an area you aren’t familiar with or learn something you have never done.
Monitoring Maine's Peregrine Falcons
By Wildlife Promotional Coordinator Lauren McPherson
Recently, I had the opportunity to join one of my colleagues at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) in the field to do some monitoring of a peregrine falcon nesting site, as part of the Department’s ongoing statewide breeding monitoring program.
How to safely spend time outside
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and the Department and Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry know that during these challenging times, everyone wants to get outside and recharge.
Join Judy Outside: Take solace in nature
By Commissioner Judy Camuso
After a quick trip to the grocery store last weekend, I was surprised, maybe even shaken by the number of empty shelves and lack of supplies. I was a little nervous, even anxious about what the next few weeks might look like. I know a lot of people are feeling the same way.
40 Ways to protect access to private land and recreation opportunities – MDIFW Bicentennial Celebration
By Landowner Relations Corporal Dave Chabot
Roughly 94% of Maine's forest land is privately owned, and more than half of that land area is open to the public. Much of this private land is home to thousands of miles of ATV, snowmobile, and hiking trails, and other recreation opportunities such as fishing and hunting.
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