Boiler Up! For Wildlife – Podcast series
If you have read any of my previous blog posts, you know that I am Purdue University Alumnus, and as such, I have participated in several projects with the University in the past, including a podcast about trail cameras on the Got Nature? Podcast series.
Dwinal Pond (Dave Priest) WMA
By Allen Starr – Assistant Regional Wildlife Biologist –Enfield Office The Dwinal Pond WMA is a large wetland complex with areas of adjacent uplands. Much of the open wetland was originally created by a wooden cribwork dam and dike constructed on the East Branch of Mattakeunk Stream in Winn.
Changes to the Maine Moose Hunting Hours?
By now, you might have heard a bit about some "changes" to the legal hunting hours for Moose in Maine. Recently, the Department discovered a long-standing error in the Maine Moose Hunter's Guide.
A Hidden Gem: Delano Wildlife Management Area
By Regional Wildlife Biologist Scott McLellan The Delano Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is located about 4 miles north of the town of Monson, along the eastern side of Route 6/15. One feature that has become a popular attraction is Goodell Brook Falls, located very close to the highway near the outlet of Spectacle Pond. This is a short trail (200-300 yards) that bisects the Appalachian trail near the parking lot in Monson (coordinates: 45.331401 / 69.535418). This is a relatively new trail that was developed by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club just a few years ago. It is a well-marked an
Golden Eagle Workshop Attracts International Array of Eagle Biologists by Erynn Call
[caption id="attachment_921" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Evening colors over Rangeley Lake[/caption] Recently, Maine hosted the 4th meeting of the Eastern Golden Eagle Working Group (EGEWG) group in Rangeley July 9-11. This is an international collaboration of scientists
Stump Pond Wildlife Management Area
by Regional Wildlife Biologist Chuck Hulsey Also known locally as “Baud’s Pond”, this wetland management area is perfect for a quick paddle and great wildlife viewing. Visitors who arrive very early in the morning or after sunset are likely to see wood ducks, deer, moose, wading birds, or furbearers such as a musk
A Morning on the Marsh at Lyle Frost Wildlife Management Area
Written by Sarah Spencer, Wildlife Biologist It’s four a.m.
Banding Birds Of Prey Provides Hands-On Experience by Amy Meehan
[caption id="attachment_848" align="alignright" width="300"] IFW Biologist and occasional IFW blogger Amy Meehan with a red-shouldered hawk.[/caption] Raptors, or birds of prey, are some of the most fascinating and beautiful birds in the world. This group includes Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Kites, Osprey, Falcons and Owls. I recently had the
Now is the Time to Complete Your Safety Course!
Don't wait until hunting or trapping season to take your safety course, it will be too late! Most courses are offered in the late summer and early fall prior to the start of hunting seasons. Completing your course before hunting season allows you the time to become familiar with equipment, terrain, and hunting techniques.
Brook Trout Beat the Heat
During the hot summer months, brook trout and other fish will search for cooler spots in a river or pond, seeking “thermal refuge” from the heat. These thermal refuges will often congregate fish in high numbers, and often you can find them huddled near spring holes or tributaries.
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