Wildlife Management Areas Receive New Signs

July 6, 2016 at 1:34 pm

By Sarah Spencer, Region C Wildlife Biologist If you’ve spent any time in the Downeast Region lately you may have noticed new signs installed at several Wildlife Management Areas.  After years of exposure to the sun, precipitation, and occasional vandalism, many of the wooden signs had fallen into disrepair. 2016July5_WMA Signs_Narraguagus After_WEBOver the past two months, Region C biologists have been replacing the previous signs with versions which should withstand exposure for many years to come while also providing information about allowed uses.  Although these signs may appear the same at first glance, look closely; the funding sources for each parcel are listed and vary widely across parcels. In addition to parcels the Department owns, we are also installing new signage where public access rights and/or management rights have been acquired on private property.   Please respect these private lands and if you see the2016July5_WMA Signs_BogBrook After_WEB landowner be sure to thank them for working with the Department to allow such access. Over the next several months, we will continue to install new signage at locations throughout the Downeast Region.  For more information on the Department’s Wildlife Management Areas, please visit : http://maine.gov/ifw/wildlife/land/department/wma.html