December 2, 2015 at 5:09 pm
By IFW Fisheries Biologist Liz Thorndike
[caption id="attachment_1103" align="alignright" width="450"] Colton Thorndike cradles a nice brook trout. Young anglers may want to try Harvey Pond in Madrid which is a kid's only pond that is now open to ice fishing, while Mount Blue Pond in Avon is open to ice anglers of all ages. (IFW Photo/Liz Thorndike)[/caption]Looking for a new water to ice fish? This season there are three waters in the western mountains region of Maine are now open to ice fishing. Mount Blue Pond in Avon (Franklin County) and MacDougall Pond in Caratunk (Somerset County) will both be opening to ice fishing as of January 1st 2016. Also, starting on December 1st, 2016 Harvey Pond in Madrid (Franklin County) is open to young ice anglers. Please be sure to check the ice before heading out on any body of water.
Mount Blue Pond is 134 acres, and is currently stocked annually with 200 splake that average 13 inches in length. Anglers may also catch some brown trout that were stocked in the past. Mount Blue Pond offers a variety of fish, and anglers might also catch brook trout, smallmouth bass, and white perch.
Harvey Pond is a kid’s only pond now open to ice fishing under the S–11 regulation which means it is only open to persons under 16 years of age, anglers are restricted to two lines, and there is a two trout limit. The pond is 10 acres and was recently stocked with 100 brook trout averaging 12 inches in length along with 20 adult brook trout averaging 17 inches in length.
MacDougall Pond will be open to ice fishing under the S–9 regulation which means it is open to anglers under 16 years of age as well as anglers holding an eligible complimentary fishing license, it is restricted to two lines, has a two trout limit, and there is a no live fish as bait (S-4) regulation. MacDougall is an 8-acre pond and received 200 brook trout averaging 12 inches in length. Anglers may also catch some nice smallmouth bass while fishing.
Always be sure to check the safety of the ice before heading out onto a body of water and be sure to check the current law book for the most recent regulations before fishing.