Late Winter Challenge

March 4, 2020 at 2:13 pm

For the Winter Atlas to be successful, we need your help! We are incentivizing winter atlasing by offering up some free items from the Maine Bird Atlas shop.

Congratulations to Percy from Unity and Ruth from Hollis on winning prizes from the Early Winter Challenge!

To qualify to win, you need to spend three hours in any block that doesn't have data (or isn't already complete in the second period) between now and the end of the second period (Mar 15th). Use the Maine Wintering Bird Atlas Dashboard to find blocks that have no data (no shading), are incomplete with some data (yellow), or only complete in period 1 (orange). There are nearly 4,000 blocks around the state that still need effort so see if you can find a block near you! Submit your name, email, and the name(s) of the blocks you survey in the form below and we will randomly pick three winners in mid March.

Maine Bird Atlas - Late Winter Challenge Form