
Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement tonight welcoming President Biden’s directive to make every American eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine by May 1:

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on the House Republicans’ rejection of the compromise supplemental budget: 

“The failure to pass this commonsense budget is a loss for Maine. It is a loss for our unemployed and for 28,000 small business owners who would get tax relief but are now left to wonder what happens next. It is a loss for our critical public health infrastructure which would have been boosted by this bill.   

Landmark Federal bill will support Maine’s effort to protect public health, vaccinate Maine people, and drive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on final Congressional passage of the American Rescue Plan, a Federal stimulus package that will deliver financial support and relief to Maine’s people and businesses during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic:

Maine Will Receive Funding Through National Governors Association and Cognizant U.S. Foundation as Part of Inaugural Workforce Innovation Network Cohort

Moving Maine Forward plan maintains critical public health measures, establishes clear timeframes, simplifies and standardizes protocols, and updates travel policies to prepare for Maine’s busy tourism season as vaccinations progress

Governor Janet Mills today unveiled a plan to protect public health and support Maine’s economy as the state approaches its busy spring and summer tourism season.

Administration will continue to stand up its dedicated vaccination opportunities for Maine school staff 60 and older

Governor Janet Mills, Health and Human Services Commissioner Jeanne Lambrew, and Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Nirav D. Shah issued the following statements on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot COVID-19 vaccine today:

Governor moves to age-based vaccine eligibility to continue focus on older Mainers most at risk of dying and to ensure speed and efficiency of vaccination effort

In an effort to save lives and ensure that health care providers can efficiently and quickly vaccinate as many people as possible, Governor Janet Mills announced today that Maine will adopt an age-based approach to expanding vaccine eligibility. As a result, beginning next Wednesday, March 3, 2021, Maine will expand eligibility for the vaccine to those 60 years and older.

In her State of the Budget Address tonight, Governor Janet Mills declared that her Administration is focused on health care, education, and the Maine economy, saying that her budget proposals maintain stability in these important areas during a time of uncertainty and put Maine on a path to economic recovery.

Governor announces “Back to Work” bond proposal to accelerate Maine’s economic recovery, diversify & strengthen economy; pays tribute to perseverance of Maine people and those who lost their lives to COVID-19

In her State of the Budget Address tonight, Governor Janet Mills declared that her Administration is focused on health care, education, and the Maine economy, saying that her budget proposals maintain stability in these important areas during a time of uncertainty and put Maine on a path to economic recovery.

Consistent with a directive (PDF) of the President, Governor Janet Mills today ordered the United States and the State of Maine flags be lowered immediately statewide through Friday, February 26, 2021 in solemn remembrance of the 500,000 Americans, including 660 Maine people, who have died with COVID-19.

On February 19th The Maine Department of Marine Resources filed comments with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on the draft Biological Opinion for ten fishery management plans in the Greater Atlantic Region, focusing on the North Atlantic Right Whale. In a cover letter included with DMR’s comments, Governor Janet Mills expressed “grave concern” about the draft Bi-Op, warning it will be economically devastating and will fundamentally change Maine’s lobster fishery.

Monthly reports on fatal and non-fatal overdoses from the Office of Attorney General will inform state and local strategies to save the lives of Maine people

Governor Janet Mills announced today (PDF) that she will deliver a virtual State of the Budget Address on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Governor Janet Mills today extended the State of Civil Emergency (PDF) through March 18, 2021. The Governor’s decision to extend the emergency is in line with nearly every other state in the nation which have ongoing emergency declarations, according to the National Governors Association. For example, the Governor of Vermont extended Vermont’s State of Emergency on Monday.

Governor Janet Mills today praised an announcement by LP Building Solutions, a Tennessee-based manufacturer of engineered wood building products, that it will invest approximately $150 million to convert part of its LP Houlton mill in New Limerick to manufacture SmartSide, an advanced engineered wood strand siding.

With inclement weather expected this evening and throughout tomorrow, Governor Janet Mills has directed all State of Maine offices closed tomorrow, February 16, 2021:

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement in honor of Maine sportsman and author George Smith, who passed away Friday evening after a courageous four year battle with ALS:  

Governor Janet Mills today received her second and final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Governor was vaccinated on the recommendation of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention as part of Phase 1a as a person critical to Maine’s COVID-19 response. The Governor, who is 73, leads Maine’s COVID-19 response.

Governor Janet Mills issued an Executive Order (PDF) today providing greater flexibility in gathering limits for houses of worship in Maine. Under the Governor’s order, houses of worship may now accommodate five people per 1,000 square feet of space, or up to 50 people, whichever is greater.

Governor Janet Mills has signed an Executive Order to create a “Free Fishing License Week” from Saturday, February 13 – Sunday February 21 when people who register may fish for free without a license on Maine’s waterways. Since the pandemic began, Governor Mills and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Commissioner Judy Camuso have strongly encouraged Maine people to enjoy the outdoors.

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on MaineHealth: 

The Mills Administration today offered a solution to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) tax conformity issue that would extend full state tax relief to more than 99 percent of Maine businesses that received PPP. The proposal would match the Federal government’s double benefit on the first $1 million of PPP received, an approach that would result in full tax relief for Maine’s small businesses who need it most and partial relief to those Maine businesses that received more than $1 million in PPP.

DON’T QUIT!® Campaign Will Deliver $100,000 Fitness Centers to Three Maine Schools

The Mills Administration today announced a new landmark agreement (PDF) that charts a path toward ending the Augusta Mental Health Institute (AMHI) Consent Decree. For more than three decades, the Consent Decree has required the State to build and maintain a comprehensive mental health system that meets the needs of Maine people due to historic failures to do so.