Governor Mills Statement on Passage of American Rescue Plan

Landmark Federal bill will support Maine’s effort to protect public health, vaccinate Maine people, and drive economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on final Congressional passage of the American Rescue Plan, a Federal stimulus package that will deliver financial support and relief to Maine’s people and businesses during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic:

“Federal support continues to be critical in Maine’s fight against the pandemic,” said Governor Janet Mills. “This relief bill will bolster Maine’s efforts to keep people healthy, get shots into arms, strengthen our economy, get back people back to work, and build a much stronger, better state.”

The Mills Administration is reviewing the final language of the bill, which President Biden will sign Friday, and is expecting additional guidance from the U.S. Treasury Department and other relevant Federal departments on the acceptable use of funds.

“This influx of funding will be a boon to Maine, to our health care institutions, to our unemployed, to education, and to Maine families generally. As we continue to digest the final language, we also look forward to receiving guidance from the Federal government on how these funds may be spent,” Governor Mills continued. “Ultimately, I expect my Administration will present to the Legislature a biennial budget change package and a Back to Work bond proposal that take into consideration these new funds and that focus our efforts on protecting public health, strengthening our economy, and getting people back to work. I look forward to working with the Legislature to make the wisest choices on using these one-time funds to do the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people who have been affected by this pandemic.”