Governor Mills Statement on House Republicans’ Opposition to the Supplemental Budget 

Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement on the House Republicans’ rejection of the compromise supplemental budget: 

“The failure to pass this commonsense budget is a loss for Maine. It is a loss for our unemployed and for 28,000 small business owners who would get tax relief but are now left to wonder what happens next. It is a loss for our critical public health infrastructure which would have been boosted by this bill.   

“The ability to compromise – to set aside an all-or-nothing approach and achieve reasonable solutions through good faith negotiations – is a core tenant of governing. My Administration, along with Republicans in the Senate and Democrats in both chambers, did just that. House Republicans should reconsider their opposition, abandon their last minute attempt to provide state tax breaks to large multi-state, multi-national corporations, and join us in achieving meaningful compromise on behalf of Maine people and Maine businesses. 

“Tomorrow marks one year since Maine recorded its first case of COVID-19. My Administration has been working day and night to protect the lives and livelihoods of Maine people. What Maine people deserve now is a bipartisan budget that continues to work for them too.”