
Chief Charles Rumsey IV - Chair
Cumberland Police Department
Representing Municipal Police Chiefs

Deputy Chief David P. Bushey - Vice Chair                            
Bangor Police Department
Representing Municipal Police Officers

Commissioner Michael J. Sauschuck
Department of Public Safety

Commissioner Randall A. Liberty
Department of Corrections

Colonel Daniel A. Scott
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Colonel William G. Ross
Maine State Police

Sheriff Scott R. Nichols
Franklin County Sheriff's Office
Representing County Sheriffs

Major Jason King
Portland Police Department
Representing Municipal Police Officers

Mr. Tom DiTomasso. Lt. Col. US Army (retired)
Citizen Representative

District Attorney Kathryn Slattery
Representing a Prosecutor from a District Attorney's Office

Hon. Matthew Dana II, Officer
Representing Wabanaki Tribal Governments

Director Anna Love
Office of the Attorney General
Representing the Attorney General

Ms. Elizabeth Ward Saxl
Citizen Representative

Officer Mateo Mendoza
Maine Department of Corrections
Representing Non-Supervisory Corrections Officers

Associate Professor Michael Kamorski
Husson University
Representing the Educational Community

Ms. Francine Garland Stark
Citizen Representative

Mr. Nathan Poore
Representing Municipal Managers

Mr. Eric Dos Santos
Supervisory Criminal Investigator
Social Security Administration
Office of Inspector General