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Dances, License Required

A building or any part of the building used for public dancing purposes, habitually or occasionally, must have posted at all times a proper license obtained from the Commissioner of Public Safety. Except for dances held by students and for students a fee and application must be submitted to the State Fire Marshal's Office. Upon the receipt of the application and fee the State Fire Marshal's Office will inspect the facility for compliance with adopted rules and regulations.

Online Dance and Theatre License Website

Theatre License Required

No building or place of assembly shall be used for theatrical or motion picture purposes unless a license or permit has been obtained from the Commissioner of Public Safety. No license is required if the building or place of assembly is a public or private school building, a building owned by a municipality, county or the State; and no license shall be required if no admission fee is charged for the theatrical or motion picture production, or the production is sponsored, operated and conducted for the exclusive benefit of a social, fraternal, charitable, religious or educational organization and all admission fees are to be devoted exclusively to the uses of that organization.

Online Dance and Theatre License Website

Open Flame Devices & Pyrotechnics

  • No open flame devices or pyrotechnic devices shall be used in any assembly occupancy, unless approved and/or permitted by the State Fire Marshal's Office.
    • Pyrotechnic special effect devices shall be permitted to be used on stages before proximate audiences for ceremonial or religious purposes, as part of a demonstration in exhibits, or as part of a performance, provided that all of the following criteria are met:
      • A permit has been granted by the State Fire Marshal's Office
      • An inspection has been completed by the State Fire Marshal's Office
      • The building is protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system
      • The State Fire Marshal's Office is present to monitor performance
  • Use of the pyrotechnic devices must comply with NFPA 1126, Standard for the Use of Pyrotechnics before a Proximate Audience.
  • Flame effects before an audience must comply with NFPA 160, Standard for Flame Effects Before an Audience.
  • Special requirements in addition to the standards; No personnel shall be placed in the lighting trusses above flame effects during the event.
  • Red beacon lights shall be utilized on each corner of the rear portion of the stage to warn of concussion effects at a minimum of 30 seconds prior to the effect.


Candles must be securely supported on substantial noncombustible bases and candle flame must be protected. Candles shall be permitted to be used in religious ceremonies if under the control of the facility management, provided precautions satisfactory to the State Fire Marshal's Office are taken to prevent ignition of combustible materials or injury to occupants.

Furnishings, Decorations, & Scenery

Fabrics and films used for decorative purposes, draperies and curtains, and similar furnishings shall be flame resistant tested in accordance with NFPA 701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films.

The State Fire Marshal may impose controls on the quantity and arrangement of combustible contents in assembly occupancies to provide an adequate level of safety to life from fire. Prior to introducing combustible contents and highly flammable contents contact the State Fire Marshal's Office.

Maine requires that exposed foamed plastic materials and unprotected materials containing foamed plastic used for decorative purposes or stage scenery shall have a heat release rate not exceeding 100 kW where tested in accordance with UL 1975, Standard for Fire Tests for Foamed Plastics Used for Decorative Purposes. A certificate from the manufacturer and/or third party testing agency will be acceptable as long as the material can be specifically identified by the certificate and sample.


  • Maine disallows smoking in all public assembly occupancies.
  • Plainly visible signs shall be posted that read as follows: NO SMOKING
  • No person shall smoke in prohibited areas that are so posted, unless permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.