Individual Planning Funds

NOTE: OBH is undergoing system and policy enhancements on our IPF account. During this time, processing any new requests are on hold. Any submitted IPF request will remain on hold, in the order in which they are received until OBH is able to renew reviewing and processing requests. We regret any inconvenience this may cause while these necessary updates are taking place.

Individual Planning Funds (IPF) are designed to provide flexible, short-term, and time-limited support to fill gaps in services that cannot be addressed through any other funding source. IPF may be available to cover the cost of a one time purchase or may help the child/youth transition to a more stable service or funding source. 

Requests for services and products must be identified in the child’s service or treatment plan and provide justification and evidence of a demonstrate need for the IPF request. Written documentation of the need must be provided by the child’s physician, psychologist, therapist, or other clinician.

  • Please include as much information about the request as possible, so that it is clear to the reviewer exactly how the request related to the child’s diagnosis/disability.
  • The IPF request must include the efforts that have been attempted to secure the necessary funding through natural supports and/or community resources.
  • The goals on the child’s service/treatment plan must identify the child’s specific needs. 
  • Other funding sources to consider are adoption subsidies, SSI income, MaineCare, General Assistance, fuel assistance programs, etc.
  • Parents/Guardians are expected to contribute except in cases of serious hardship. 

IPF requests require prior approval. Bills or requests for payment for any expenditure that has not gone through the prior approval process will not be covered by IPF. There is no guarantee of approval. 

Parents/guardians should wait for an approval from OCFS before making any commitments or expecting payment. If MaineCare covers the requested service or product, IPF will not consider the request. Since IPF is meant for short-term needs, the parents/guardians and the child’s treatment team should consider how the cost of the service or product will be sustained over time. IPF Requests will be reviewed and considered individually and are based on the availability of funding.

Individual Planning Fund requests are submitted electronically through EIS

For questions regarding Individual Planning Funds Contact: 

Judy Demerchant
Desk: (207) 493-4135 Cell: (207) 551-2742

For EIS questions or support contact: