Downeast - District 7


  • Covers Hancock and Washington Counties
  • District Characteristics
    • Downeast District Total Population - 86,573 (2020 Census)
    • Hancock County - 55,478 people, 35.0 per square mile (2020 Census)
    • Washington County - 31,095 people, 12.1 per square mile (2020 Census)
    • 2 county governments: Hancock and Washington Counties
    • 83 municipalities (incorporated local governments) including a city, towns and plantations. Unincorporated or unorganized townships (TWP) are a recognized part of the District. A township (TWP} is officially served by the Maine CDC and may be served by the local health officer of an adjacent town.
    • Some towns or villages are ocean island communities
    • Tribal Nation: Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine, of Indian Township and at Pleasant Point
  • Maine CDC District Contact
  • Alfred May, Jr., MPH
    • Downeast District Public Health Liaison
      Maine CDC
      38 Prescott Drive
      Machias, ME  04654
      (207) 255-2017 (office)
      (207) 255-2022 (fax)
  • Health Data and Information

Downeast District Public Health Unit

The Downeast District Public Health Unit is located at the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Offices at 17 Eastward Lane in Ellsworth, Maine; 38 Prescott Drive in Machias, Maine; and, 338 North Street, in Calais, Maine. To report an infectious disease, public health emergency consultation, or Health Inspection complaint please email to: or call 1-800-821-5821.

District Town Program Referral/Reporting # Staff

Downeast Public Health District

Ellsworth DHHS
17 Eastward Lane
Ellsworth, ME 04605

Machias DHHS
38 Prescott Drive
Machias, ME 04654

Calais DHHS
338 North Street
Calais, ME 04619

Public Health Nursing


Cynthia Grass (Supervisor)
(Tel.) 207-356-2452

Stephanie Lavigne (Tel.) 207-263-4462

Catherine MacDonald (Tel.) 207-214-3982

Kerri Jones (Tel.) 207-271-8067

Health Inspection


Weibley Dean (Tel) 207-904-8232

To be Determined



Maura Lockwood

Drinking Water - Non-Municipal Water System Inspector


Scott Whitney (Tel.) 207-592-0578

Drinking Water - Municipal Water System Inspector


Mary Bourque (Tel.) 207-441-5328

District Public Health Liaison


Alfred May (Tel.) 207-263-4975

Public Health Educator


Kawther Mohamed

For more information contact, Al May at 207-255-2017 or