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How to Apply
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Who is eligible for the WIC Nutrition Program in Maine?
Pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding parents, as well as infants and children up to age 5, are eligible. They must meet income guidelines, live in Maine, and be individually determined to be at "nutrition risk" by a health professional.
Fathers, legal guardians, adoptive parents, and foster parents can apply on behalf of eligible infants and children in their care.
To be eligible on the basis of income, applicants' income must fall at or below 185 percent of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. A person who receives MaineCare, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits automatically meet the income eligibility requirement.
WIC Prescreening Tool
Find out if you are eligible for the WIC program by clicking on the following link:
What is "nutrition risk?"
Two major types of nutrition risk are recognized for WIC eligibility:
- Medically-based risks such as anemia, underweight, overweight, history of pregnancy complications, or poor pregnancy outcomes
- Dietary risks, such as failure to meet the dietary guidelines or inappropriate nutrition practices
Nutrition risk is determined by a health professional such as a physician, nutritionist, or nurse, and is based on Federal regulations. This nutrition assessment is free to program applicants.
How do I apply?
Getting WIC benefits is simple. Call your nearest WIC office to make an appointment or Contact Us to Join WIC! and a WIC staff member will call you to set up an appointment. Your first appointment will take about an hour of your time – an hour that can benefit you and your children for the rest of your lives.
What do I need to bring to my first WIC appointment?
We have created a handy checklist (PDF) to help you collect all the necessary pieces of information your WIC officers will need to process your application:
What should I expect at my first WIC appointment?
Your first appointment will take about an hour to determine your eligibility. This includes:
- Checking your income, residency, and identification
- Completing a health assessment to determine any nutrition risk, including:
- Getting height and weight for all applicants
- Performing iron level screening
- Reviewing nutrition and health history
- Reviewing with you your rights and responsibilities as a WIC participant
- Answering your health and nutrition questions
- Discussing with you other services you may be eligible for in your community
- Reviewing the WIC food list and how to use your WIC checks at the store
- Scheduling follow-up appointments
WIC staff across Maine pride themselves in meeting participants where they are by providing timely support in a safe and nonjudgmental environment. Participants can expect to learn about health and nutrition topics that are important to their family, breastfeeding and chestfeeding support and supplies, and food benefits via an eWIC card to purchase healthy foods at participating grocery stores. Fruits and vegetables benefits can also be used at local farms and Farmers Markets using the Bnft app. Each summer, participants also receive additional funds that can be spent with farmers to purchase locally grown produce. If WIC staff cannot answer your questions or you need more information about other services, they can connect you with additional community resources.
Nutrition Education
Nutrition Education is an important part of every WIC appointment. WIC staff are here to help you learn about healthy eating habits, make long- and short-term goals for your family’s health, and answer your nutrition questions! In addition to counseling, nutrition educators work to create a personalized food prescription that fits each person’s needs.
Food Benefits
WIC foods are provided to help meet the nutrition needs of participants. Foods include iron-fortified breakfast cereal, 100% juice, eggs, milk, cheese, peanut butter, dried and canned beans/peas, canned fish, soy-based beverage, tofu, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, infant cereal, jarred infant fruits, vegetables and meats and infant formula as needed to meet the nutritional needs of WIC participants. In the summer, additional benefits are given for locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables from Maine farmers.
WIC participants receive food benefits via an eWIC card to purchase specific foods each month that are designed to supplement their diets with specific nutrients that benefit WIC's target population.
Breastfeeding & Chestfeeding Support
WIC encourages new parents to breast or chestfeed for the first six months of their child’s life and beyond! Human milk is the best food for a baby and WIC is committed to helping parents be successful with their infant feeding journey. Many parents have questions about breastfeeding and chestfeeding. WIC can give you helpful information on the benefits of human milk by discussing:
Any questions and concerns you have about breastfeeding or chestfeeding
How to get your family and friends engaged in your decision to breastfeed or chestfeed
Community resources for breastfeeding and chestfeeding support
How to maintain your breastfeeding or chestfeeding goals when you will return to work or school.
In addition to support from your counselors, WIC also offers breastfeeding peer counselors, breastfeeding/chestfeeding supplies including manual and electric breast pumps, and enhanced food benefits for nursing parents.
WIC benefits don't stop at nutrition and breastfeeding support. WIC staff can connect you with helpful resources in your community to meet your family's needs. These include, but are not limited to:
- Dental services
- Healthcare providers
- Maine Families
- Head Start
- Heating assistance
- DHHS programs
Questions? Want to sign up? Contact your local WIC clinic.
York County Community Action Corp – York County
- Sanford: 207-459-2942
- Biddeford: 207-283-2402
The Opportunity Alliance – Cumberland County
- Portland: 207-553-5800
Western Maine Community Action – Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford Counties
- Auburn: 207-795-4016
- Wilton: 207-645-3764
Midcoast Maine Community Action – Lincoln, Knox, Waldo, and Sagadahoc Counties
- Bath: 207-442-7963
- Belfast: 207-338-1267
- Rockland: 207-594-4329
Maine General – Kennebec and Somerset Counties
- Augusta: 207-626-6350
- Waterville: 207-861-3580
- Skowhegan: 207-861-3593
Bangor Public Health & Community Services – Penobscot and Piscataquis Counties
- Bangor: 207-992-4570
Maine Family Planning – Washington and Hancock Counties
- Ellsworth: 207-667-5304
- Machias: 207-255-8280
- Calais: 207-454-3634
Aroostook County Action Program – Aroostook County
- Presque Isle: 207-768-3026
State Contacts for VOC Requests
State Agency Contact Information
- Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
- Phone: (207) 287-3991
In-state Toll Free:
TTY: Maine relay 711
- Email:
Main: WIC.Maine@maine.gov
Vendor: WICVendor@maine.gov - Mailing address:
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333