Nonprofit Resources

Team Work Hands In

Start a Nonprofit

Please select Business Answers below to determine required licenses and permits.  In the top right hand corner, select the “Start a Business" and choose ‘Nonprofit’ in the drop-down menu.  Please contact your town office for local requirements.  


Business Answers

Licenses and permits

Start a Business

Resources for starting any business


Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP)

MANP has a robust website with resources on how to start a nonprofit in Maine, business finder, Board resources and events calendar.

Maine Secretary of State Nonprofit Corporations

Includes notices, rules, forms, and fees

Maine State Library

The Maine State Library has a robust information page for nonprofit organizations in Maine, including Maine laws for charities, a guide for board members, and much more.

See also their helpful guide on designing and using screening procedures

Maine Philanthropy Center

The Maine Philanthropy Center (MPC) is an association of grantmakers with the mission to provide opportunity, leadership, and support to advance the effectiveness of philanthropy in Maine. 

Check MPC's event calendar for a full list of their upcoming programs.