Blue Economy Task Force

Blue Economy Task Force

Per statute (per S.P. 523 – LD 1286, Resolve, to Establish the Blue Economy Task Force to Support Maine’s Emergence as a Center for Blue Economy Innovation and Opportunity in the 21st Century), the Department is required to convene the Blue Economy Task Force (BETF) to support Maine’s emergence as a center for blue economy innovation and opportunity in the 21st century. “Blue economy” means business sectors that rely on the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic health, improved livelihoods, jobs or ecosystem health.

The task force is comprised of specific members, defined in statute. The BETF will include no less than 13 members including representatives of public and private research institutions, businesses that are innovating in various blue economy sectors, fisheries businesses, aquaculture businesses and equity investors in blue economy businesses and the President of the Maine Technology Institute or the president’s designee. A majority of the task force membership must represent either blue economy businesses or entities directly involved in the commercialization of blue economy-related research and innovation.

Blue Economy Task Force Membership

The BETF membership is still in process. A list of the members will be posted when finalized.

Blue Economy Task Force Staff

Charlotte Mace, Director, Office of Business Development

Draft List of Blue Economy Task Force Members (PDF)

Blue Economy Task Force Request for Proposal

RFP deadline has passed.