FIFRA Section 24(c) Special Local Needs Registrations

(Click on SLN NO to download label in PDF format)

EPA SLN NO. ME-240001, Syngenta, Arbotect 20-S, EPA Reg. No. 100-892, for management of Beech Leaf Disease caused by the foliar feeding nematode, Litylenchus crenatae, expires Dec. 31, 2028

EPA SLN NO. ME-040001, BASF, Arsenal Applicators Conc., EPA Reg. No. 241-299, to allow increased surfactant rate when used in combination with glyphosate for Jack pine, black spruce, red spruce, and white spruce release, expires Dec. 31, 2025

EPA SLN NO. ME-160001, Canyon Group Co., Sandea Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 81880-18, for use in blueberries to control perennial broadleaf weeds in non-bearing year, expires Dec. 31, 2027

EPA SLN NO. ME-160001b, Gowan Co., Sandea Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 81880-18-10163, for use in blueberries to control perennial broadleaf weeds in non-bearing year, expires Dec. 31, 2027

EPA SLN NO. ME-170003, Syngenta, Callisto Herbicide, EPA Reg. No. 100-1131, to control broadleaf weeds in lowbush blueberries during bearing and nonbearing years, expires Dec. 31, 2027

EPA SLN NO. ME-190001, FMC Express Herbicide with Total Sol Soluble Granules, EPA Reg. No. 279-9594, for spot application and to control bunchberry in lowbush blueberry, expires Dec. 31, 2030

EPA SLN NO. ME-220001, Goaltender, Adaura LLC, EPA Reg. No. 92894-3, for post-emergent use in broccoli, expires Dec. 31, 2026

  • EPA SLN NO. ME-220001B, Goaltender, Nufarm Inc., EPA Reg. No. 92894-3, for post-emergent use in broccoli, expires Dec. 31, 2026