Frequently Asked Questions

Animal FAQs

What do I need to do to bring livestock or poultry into Maine?
Call the Division of Animal and Plant Health at 207-287-3701 to obtain a prior permit number and to get the latest requirements for the species you wish to bring into the state.

Who do I call if I have an agricultural nuisance complaint involving odor, flies, manure spills, etc. which may involve a farming operation?
Please call our Agricultural Compliance Program at 207-557-0252.

Who do I call if I have a question concerning any health issues pertaining to livestock and poultry in Maine or to report a reportable disease?
Please call Animal Health at 207-287-3701.

Who do I contact if I want to report a case of animal cruelty or neglect in Maine?
Call your local law enforcement or animal control officer first. They may be able to respond much quicker than a humane agent can.
The Animal Welfare Program’s business hours are 7:30am – 4:30pm Monday through Friday and may be reached by the following manner:

Toll Free Phone Number: 1-877-269-9200
Phone Number: 207-287-3846

Can I report complaints of animal abuse anonymously?

Why should I license my dog?
Dog licensing has been an important part of combating the spread of rabies in the United States. The fee that you pay goes toward helping fund animal control programs and the animal welfare program. The licensing tag is also an identification for your dog, which is helpful if your dog runs away or gets lost.

When should I license my dog?
After October 15th you can buy a dog license from your town for the next year. You can also apply for a dog license online. The deadline for getting a license is January 1st every year. Everyone has until January 31st to purchase the license before a late fee is incurred.

Do I have to license my cat?
At this time there are no cat licenses required by state law, but cats are required to have a current rabies vaccination. Even if they are an inside-only cat. All dogs and cats are required to have current rabies shots by a licensed veterinarian.

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Farm FAQs

Do I need a Livestock Operations Permit (LOP)?
Animal feeding operations meeting the following criteria must obtain a Livestock Operations Permit: new operations started after April 15, 1998 with 300 or more animal units; an operation that had fewer than 300 animal units on April 15, 1998 and expanded to 300 or more animal units after that date; or, an operation that has been defined or designated a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO). Contact the Nutrient Management Office for an application or if you have questions; 207-287-7608

What is a Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) and do I need one?
A nutrient management plan is a document which describes how nutrients are stored, managed and utilized on the farm for which it is written. Farms required to have an NMP are those which: confine and feed 50 or more animal units (One animal unit = 1000 pounds of live animal weight) at any one time; store or utilize more than 100 tons of solid manure or 25,000 gallons of liquid manure annually not generated on that farm; are the subject of a verified complaint of improper manure handling; or, store or utilize regulated residuals.

How do I dispose of animal carcasses ?
See the Chapter 211 Rules for the Disposal of Animal Carcasses. A brochure is available that briefly explains the process, or you can contact the Nutrient Management Program Manager, 207-287-7608.

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Plant FAQs

Do I need a license to sell plants?
You need a nursery license if you are selling rooted plants. The purpose of the license is to ensure that healthy, pest free plants are being sold to Maine customers. The license is renewed annually and the fee is either $25 or $5 depending on volume of sales. For more information visit the Horticulture's Inspection webpage.

Do I need a license to keep bees?
Yes you need a license even if you have one hive. The purpose of the license is to ensure that the hives contain healthy bees for honey production and pollinating crops. The license is renewed annually and the license fee varies depending on the number of hives being licensed. For more information visit the Apiary website.

How do I get this unusual insect identified?
Check the Got Pests website to narrow down your choices. If you still don't know, contact us at Plant Health; 207-287-3891.

Do I need a license to cut down trees?
You need an arborist license if you are working near buildings or in urban areas and you are being paid. You should have a utility license if you are working around power lines.; A landscape arborist license is required for any other type of arborist work. For more information go to visit the Arborist Program webpage.

How do I qualify for the organic cost share program?
Contact an organic certifying agent in the state, such as MOFGA certification services. They will then forward the information to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

How do I deal with Japanese beetles?
Try not to plant things they like. Put Japanese beetle traps away from any plants you are trying to protect. Look for signs of parasites, a white spot on the back of the beetle.Check out the information online for this and other pests at

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Pesticides FAQs

Do I need a license to use or apply a pesticide (weed, insect, plant disease controls, etc.)
The BPC classifies all pesticides into three categories: general use pesticides (products available to the general public but requiring a license for some application); restricted use pesticides (chemicals for use and application only by licensed individuals); and limited use pesticides (products for use only by licensed applicators with a special BPC permit). Learn more general information about pesticides and licensing requirements for applicators.

Where can I find a licensed pest management professional?
All pest control and lawn care companies are required to be licensed by the BPC. Also, a certified and licensed applicator must be on site whenever pesticides are applied for hire or in public places. Make sure a company representative shows you a current license, or to find a licensed applicator in your area, contact the BPC at 207-287-2731 or email

How do I find out about pesticides that may be applied near my home?
You have the right to know, but you also have the responsibility to take the first step in opening communication with your neighbor. Maine law assures you that right in two ways:

Where do I go to get recertification credits for my pesticide applicator license?
Check the BPC credit calendar.

Who do I contact if I think a pesticide has been misused?
If you have a complaint or tip regarding any person, known or unknown, related to the use of pesticides, contact us as soon as possible at Maine Board of Pesticides Control 207-441-4193, or email
The Board will consider the complaint or tip along with any other information available, and take whatever action is necessary to protect the public's interest.

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