DACF Home → Bureaus & Programs → Maine Natural Areas Program → Ecological Reserves → Salmon Brook Lake
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Salmon Brook Lake
Vital Statistics
- Size: 1,053 acres
- Regulated: 610 acres
- Non-Regulated: 443 acres
- Upland: 363 acres
- Forested Wetland (NWI): 370 acres
- Non-Forested Wetland: 253 acres
- Open Water: 69 acres
- Roads: trails-1 mile
- Biophysical Region: Aroostook Highlands/Aroostook Lowlands
- BPL Region: North
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Exemplary Natural Communities
Scientific Name | Common Name | State Rank | Global Rank |
Spruce - Larch Wooded Bog | Black Spruce Bog | S4 | G3G5 |
Shrubby Cinquefoil - Sedge Circumneutral Fen | Circumneutral Fen | S2 | G2G3 |
Northern White Cedar Swamp | Northern White Cedar Swamp | S4 | GNR |
Sedge - Leatherleaf Fen Lawn | Sedge - Heath Fen | S4 | G4G5 |
Unpatterned Fen Ecosystem | Unpatterned Fen Ecosystem | S4 | GNR |
Rare Plants
Scientific Name | Common Name | State Rank | Global Rank | State Status |
Coptidium lapponicum | Lapland Buttercup | S2 | G5 | T |
Valeriana uliginosa | Marsh Valerian | S2 | G4Q | SC |
Nymphaea leibergii | Pygmy Water-lily | S1 | G5 | T |
Cypripedium reginae | Showy Lady's-slipper | S3 | G4 | T |
Amerorchis rotundifolia | Small Round-leaved Orchis | S1 | G5 | T |
Lonicera oblongifolia | Swamp Fly-honeysuckle | S3 | G4 | SC |
Rare Animals
There are no documented occurrences of rare animals within this Ecoreserve. For more information on rare animals in Maine, visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
Located in eastern Aroostook County, the Salmon Brook Lake reserve captures many ecological features characteristic of Maine's northeastern limestone belt, including circumneutral fens, northern white cedar swamps, and numerous rare plants. While only 363 reserve acres are upland, 610 acres were classified as regulated, suggesting that much of the forested wetlands support merchantable timber. Saturated soils cause slow growing conditions, however, and a six inch tree was aged to be over 200 years old. There is little information on harvesting history within the reserve.
An ATV trail traverses the west side of the Reserve, and a recently constructed trail at the southwest perimeter provides access for small boats.
- Rooney, S.C. and J.E. Weber. 1994. Final Report of a Landscape Analysis and Field Survey of the Salmon Brook Lake Bog Unit, Bureau of Public Lands, Augusta, Maine. 9 pp.