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Coastal Plain Pondshore Ecosystem
State Rank: S1This pondshore or lakeshore ecosystem is the group of communities on the shoreline or the near-shore vegetated waters of a lake or pond; specifically, ponds in southern Maine where climatic influences and species affinities are allied with areas southward along the Atlantic coastal plain. It includes palustrine communities such as pondshore marshes and fens, as well as communities where the soils are not saturated over most of the growing season but which are disturbed by ice-scour, flooding, or waves. Terrestrial forests bordering lakes are included under forested upland ecosystems.
Natural Communities Associated with Coastal Plain Pondshore Ecosystem
- Alder Shrub Thicket
- Bulrush Bed
- Cattail Marsh
- Lakeshore Beach
- Mixed Graminoid - Shrub Marsh
- Mixed Tall Sedge Fen
- Pickerelweed - Macrophyte Aquatic Bed
- Pipewort - Water Lobelia Aquatic Bed
- Sweetgale Mixed Shrub Fen
- Three-way Sedge - Goldenrod Outwash Plain Pondshore
- Water-lily - Macrophyte Aquatic Bed