Your Woodland

Your Woodland: A Resource Guide for Kennebec County Landowners is a print and web-based resource designed to provide information to landowners, government entities, and organizations that influence Kennebec County's forests. Much of the comprehensive information explored in the Kennebec Woodland Partnership's Fall 2010 Conference can be found here. As the forests and our collective knowledge of forests grow, please visit us frequently to stay connected to Your Woodland.
Find out more by exploring the links below. Should you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact a partner.
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1.Kennebec County's Woodlands
Discover landscape-level scientific and historical information about the forest.
2. A Stewardship Storyline
Steps toward caring for your woodland:
- 2.1. Why is my woodland important to me?
- 2.2. What do I call that land I own that has trees on it?
- 2.3. What do I want to do with my woodland?
- 2.4. What would a forest management plan do for me?
- 2.5. How can I keep my woodland healthy?
- 2.6. Should I harvest trees on my property?
- 2.7. What are the financial aspects of owning a woodland?
- 2.8. How can I create a legacy with my woodland?
- 2.9. What will happen to my woodland when I'm gone?
- 2.10. Where can I get good advice about what to do with my woodland?
3. KWP Toolshed:
Find tools to help you at every step.
- 3.1 Contact a Kennebec Woodland Partner
- 3.2. Getting started
- 3.2.1. Woodland owner goal-setting guide
- 3.2.2. SWOAM Handbook
- 3.2.3. More than a Woodlot
- 3.2.4. New Hampshire's Good Forestry in the Granite State
- 3.2.5. What is silviculture?
- 3.3. Getting to know your woodland
- 3.4. Forest management planning
- 3.4.1. Download a list of Maine licensed foresters in your area
- 3.4.2. Developing a Forest Management Plan
- 3.4.3. Maine's Tree Growth Tax Law
- 3.4.4. National Timber Tax website
- 3.4.5. Sample WoodsWISE Stewardship Plan
- 3.4.6. Cost-share funds for a Woodland Resource Action Plan
- 3.4.7. NRCS Cost-share programs
- 3.4.8 Women owning woodlands
- 3.5. Timber harvesting
- 3.5.1. Timber sales and how they work
- 3.5.2. Northern Woodlands: Growing Value in Your Woods
- 3.5.3. Am I ready to harvest?
- 3.5.4. Cutting firewood on your woodlot
- 3.5.5. How to harvest successfully
- 3.5.6. Maine stumpage price reports
- 3.5.7. SFI EZ-Bar Waterbar Installation
- 3.5.8. Northeast Master Logger Certification Program
- 3.6. Forest management tools for woodland owners
- 3.6.1. Managing woodlots for wildlife
- 3.6.2. Biodiversity in the Forests of Maine: Guidelines for Land Management
- 3.6.3. Focus Species Forestry: A Guide to Integrating Timber and Biodiversity Management in Maine
- 3.6.4. Audubon Vermont's Forest Bird Initiative
- 3.6.5 The Maine Black Bear
- 3.6.6 Forest management strategies for climate change impacts
- 3.6.7 Maine Master Loggers
- 3.6.8 Maine Certified Logging Professionals
- 3.6.9 Harvest plan template and checklist
- 3.6.10 Primer on the negative effects of diameter-limit cutting
- 3.6.11 Forest biomass guidelines
- 3.7.1 How to begin the process
- 3.7.2 Checklist of information
- 3.7.3 Conservation easements
- 3.7.4 Maine Land Trust Network
- 3.7.5 Land Trust Alliance definition of conservation easement
- 3.7.6 Conservation Easements Keep Working Forests Working
- 3.7.7 Planning Family Forests: How to Keep Woodlands Intact and in the Family (2013 Forestry Press) by Thom J. McEvoy
- 3.8. A glossary of forestry terms
- 3.9. Words from the Woods
4. Meet Fellow Woodland Owners:
Read what fellow Kennebec County residents have to say about their woodlands.
5. Your Woodland, Your Future
Stir your stump! Get involved in your Kennebec County woodland.
- 5.1. Contact a Kennebec Woodland Partner
- 5.2. Learn about KWP initiatives
- 5.2.1. Kennebec Woodland Owners Survey
- 5.2.2. Local wood: A vision for Kennebec County's Woodlands
- 5.2.3. Fall 2010 Conference
- 5.2.4. Kennebec Woodland Days
- 5.2.5. Stewardship Incentive Funds
- 5.2.6. Community Outreach
- 5.2.7. Regional Conservation Partnership
- 5.3. Attend a Kennebec County woodland event