Partnership Initiatives: what we do

Our inaugural conference in October of 2010 brought together a wealth of individuals and organizations with a range of expertise and a vested interest in keeping Kennebec County's forestlands as forests for the foreseeable future. This gathering became a springboard for Partnership activities. The workshops, presentations, and presentations provide a unique perspective of Kennebec County's woodlands.
Learn more.

In October 2011, the Kennebec Woodland Partnership hosted a series of events to celebrate our woodlands. Learn how climate change will affect your woodlot. Study mushrooms with an expert in the field. Discover the ten biggest mistakes woodlot owners make and how to avoid them. Come learn about your woods at woodlot tours, workshops, forestry demonstrations, and other events.
Learn more.

Do you need a forest management plan for your woodlot? Are you willing to showcase your working forest? Through the Kennebec Woodland Partnership, the Maine Forest Service is offering WoodsWISE incentives to enhance forest stewardship in Kennebec County through a competitive process for woodlot owners.
Read the requirements or Download Forest Management Plan Application | pdf
Contact Andy Shultz, Maine Forest Service Landowner Outreach Forester, with questions.

Augusta Trails has successfully launched a world-class Nordic ski race course and recreational area at Bond Brook in Augusta. Located in the heart of Maine's capitol city, the Bond Brook Recreational Area has a forest management plan and is a certified Tree Farm. The Kennebec Woodland Partnership is working with Augusta Trails to design and build of a four-season recreational facility that showcases the economic importance of the forest products industry in Kennebec County and greater Maine.

Thanks to the generosity of the Maine Community Foundation, the Kennebec Woodland Partnership and Sebasticook Regional Land Trust will be sponsoring a series of woodland forums in towns throughout Kennebec County with a goal of providing a question-and-answer forum for woodlot owners and linking conservation commissions, planning boards, and other municipal officials to resources that will enable them to better manage and plan for their forests.

The Kennebec Woodland Partnership is one of a number of regional conservation partnerships active in New England. By collaborating and comparing notes with similar initiatives, such partnerships have the opportunity to learn from one another and to affect forest conservation on a regional scale.

We'd love to see you at one of our Partners' events! Members of the Kennebec Woodland Partnership are active in hosting activities, workshops, and more to help connect people to the forest resource.
Learn more.

The Kennebec County Woodlands Owners Survey (KCWOS) was commissioned by KWP and conducted in 2011 by University of Maine. Researchers garnered nearly 400 responses. The survey provides KWP and its partner organizations with a clearer picture of what information and tools are needed by landowners to meet the individual goals they have for their forests. Woodland management in Maine is never one-size-fits-all. Working with this data will direct energy into projects and topics that will be the most helpful to individual landowners in the region.
Learn more