Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry had anticipated announcing RFSI Equipment-only Grant (RFA# 2024ARDRFSIEQUIP1) award recommendation announcements on or about March 1, 2025. However, those announcements are contingent upon USDA approval, which we are still awaiting. The Department continues to communicate with the USDA and is actively trying to move this process forward. We will email applicants with updates as we receive more information (posted on March 11, 2025).

Important Grant Information

The Request for Applications (RFA) opened on September 13, 2024 and closed on October 28, 2024.

Download RFA (DOCX)

Important Note: The downloadable RFA file contains all the components and instructions needed to submit a complete application package. When you click on the Download RFA DOCX button above, the RFA file will automatically be saved to your computer. You will need to open it from the folder where it was saved (often your download or documents folder, depending on your computer settings).

There are two embedded document templates linked within the RFA file (RFA Part II Files Required and/or Recommended, page 13, Application File One Template and Evidence of Critical Resources and Infrastructure Template). These document templates are also linked to this page. Applicants must follow the templates and instructions provided in the RFA file to submit their application. Application completeness and adherence to the formatting outlined in the RFA file are important.

Application File One Template (DOCX) - Please carefully review the RFA file for instructions on how to use the template as part of a complete application package

Evidence of Critical Resources and Infrastructure Template (DOCX) - Please carefully review the RFA file for instructions on how to use the template as part of a complete application package

Distressed Communities Index – Please use this link if you are unable to access the USDA Distressed Communities Index link provided in the RFA Application File One.

Questions? Instructions for asking clarifying RFA questions are included in the RFA document. All RFA questions must be submitted via the Submitted Questions Form (RFA Appendix B). All RFA questions must be received by September 23, 2024.

The RFA # 2024ARDRFSIEQUIP1 Question and Answer Summary (PDF) document provides the Department's responses to each of the RFA clarifying questions submitted.

Applications must be submitted to the State of Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, via email, at: Application submissions must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., local time, on October 28, 2024.

Applications not submitted to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's aforementioned e-mail address by the aforementioned deadline according to the instructions outlined in the aforementioned RFA will not be considered for award.

Maine RFSI Equipment-only RFA Quick Facts

The State of Maine is seeking applications for the Maine Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) equipment-only grant program. Funding will be awarded in the range of $10,000-$100,000 for special purpose equipment to be purchased by eligible Maine food and beverage entities. Funds will support middle of the supply chain equipment investments for the aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distribution of Maine-produced food and beverage products. Non-equipment expenses, such as personnel, facility updates, and non-equipment costs, are not eligible for this funding opportunity. Applicants are not required to provide a matching contribution.

Grants will be awarded in five food and beverage product categories:

  1. Foods and beverages inclusive of 51% or more Maine-grown and harvested specialty crops.
  2. Foods and beverages inclusive of 51% or more Maine dairy or eggs. 
  3. Food and beverages inclusive of 51% or more Maine grains. 
  4. Foods and beverages inclusive of 51% or more Maine-farmed aquaculture.
  5. Maine-produced specialty food and beverage products containing one or more Maine-grown and harvested ingredients. 

The headquarters of eligible applicants must be located in Maine. Applicants must operate, maintain, and report on the special purpose equipment; all grant funded activities must occur in Maine. Food products including meat, poultry, wild-caught and foraged ingredients are excluded.

RFSI Equipment-Only Virtual Office Hours

Past RFSI Equipment-Only Project Grant RFA Office Hours Q&A / Presentations

August 8 Office Hours

August 20 Office Hours

September 5 & 9

Program Contact Information

For questions about Maine’s Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI), please email