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Foreign Export Trade Assistance

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry collaborates with the Maine International Trades Center to help Maine producers and manufacturers identify opportunities to increase sales of products overseas and improve business and farm incomes.
The Market Access Program (M.A.P.) is administered by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service in conjunction with the state Departments of Agriculture. In collaboration with the Food Export USA Northeast partnership of 10 states, funds are provided to finance promotional activities in specific foreign-country markets in order to encourage development and expansion of foreign trade. Companies who participate in M.A.P. receive a 50 percent reimbursement for eligible advertising expenses, promotional expenses, and trade show expenses, based on a pre-approved application. Applications are currently being accepted.
Small companies, those with fewer than 500 employees, are the top priority for funding. The majority of funds are set aside to be distributed to small companies. For information, contact the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry at (207) 287-9072 or Maine International Trade Center at (207)541-7400. Companies may also connect directly with Food Export USA-Northeast, a non-profit trade association, on their various export and market assistance programs at (215) 829-9111.