Dairy Cattle & Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

HPAI Detections in Dairy Cattle Webinar

Maine DACF Animal Health held a one-hour webinar on Thursday, April 11, 2024 to disseminate information and answer questions. This event was intended for cattle producers and others that may be impacted by this recent animal health event.

Presentation from Webinar (PDF)

Important News for Dairy Farmers, Cattle Haulers, Veterinarians, and Others Involved the movement of Dairy Cattle

CVI Requirements

As noted in the APHIS Requirements and Recommendations for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Virus in Livestock, dairy cattle moving direct to slaughter on a CVI must have individual official identification recorded.

USDA’s final rule on Use of Electronic Identification Eartags as Official Identification in Cattle and Bison was released in April, 2024. During this transition window over the next 180 days metal, non-electronic identification (EID) tags for animal identification will continue to be allowed, but soon only RFID tags as the official eartag for use in interstate movement of cattle will be allowed.

DACF Animal Health can provide producers, veterinarians, and others with RFID tags for cattle. Before we can send tags, a Premises Identification Number (PIN, also commonly called a "Prem ID") is required. A PIN is a unique code that is permanently assigned to a single physical location.

Setup PIN Request RFID Tags


On May 23, 2024, USDA released support options to include dairy producers whose herds have not tested positive for H5N1. Financial support will be available to:

  • Support biosecurity planning and implementation
  • Reimburse producers for veterinary costs associated with sample collection for H5N1 testing.
  • Offset shipping costs for influenza A testing at laboratories in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network.

More information is available here: USDA, HHS Announce New Actions to Reduce Impact and Spread of H5N1 | USDA.

Please note that we don’t yet have specifics from USDA on accessing this funding. As we receive additional information we will be sure to post it here. Feel free to reach out to us using the contact information at the bottom of this page.

More Resources from USDA

Testing & Reporting in Cattle

Human Health

Farm Biosecurity Practices

Farm Biosecurity Plans

Wildlife Management to Protect Against HPAI

Do you have questions or concerns about HPAI in dairy cattle?

If your concern is about the health of an animal or the implementation of the federal order:

If your concern is about food safety:

If your concern is about access to funding or resources or anything else: