Life in the Women’s Reentry Center
Women spend their days in educational and/or cognitive-behavioral classes that prepare them for making successful transitions into the community.
This includes
- self-awareness sessions,
- decision-making,
- examining their individual reoffending risks and triggers,
- substance abuse treatment,
- behavioral treatment,
- financial management, and
- other opportunities for self improvement.
They also may
- participate in obtaining their GEDs,
- taking college classes in the community, or
- learning a trade.
They also spend time participating in community service projects, such as
- helping to train therapy dogs,
- helping with grounds maintenance,
- assisting local community agencies, and
- volunteering.
Residents have work assignments. Initially, these assignments are in the facility. Later, they might have the opportunity to work in the community.
SMRC works closely with the Maine Department of Labor Career Center to place them in jobs in high growth/high demand careers where employers have need of good employees. Residents will be able to keep these jobs after their release.