Mountain View Correctional Facility staff is dedicated to helping every resident develop the skills and judgment necessary to be successful and make a positive contribution to society. The programs and services offered promote each resident's growth toward mature thinking, sound decision making, a realistic understandings of themselves and others, and the knowledge and competence to deal well with problems and challenges they’ll encountered in daily life. The overall program goal is to focus on a treatment and educational foundation that will support residents with future life goals as well as increase the likelihood that they’ll use these skills effectively in their personal life, both while in and outside of the facility.
- Adult Education and HiSET
- Anger Management
- Apprenticeships: Logging, Material Handling, Carpentry and others
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Program
- College (online)
- Domestic Violence Programming
- Inside-Out Dads / Parenting Programming
- Intensive Substance Use Treatment
- Outpatient Substance Use Treatment
- Problem Sexual Behavior Treatment
- Reentry Programming
- Vocational Programming
- Vocational Training
- WorkReady
- Young Adult Resident Program
A comprehensive treatment program is provided in a structured, safe, and supportive environment which assists residents with:
- accepting responsibility for their behavior
- developing pro-social skills
- increasing self-awareness
- understanding the consequences of poor decisions
- enhancing their ability to empathize with victims
- employing more adaptive thinking patterns
- utilizing effective problem solving strategies
Programming available to all eligible adult residents:
- Opportunity to earn a HiSet (high school equivalency) diploma
- Vocational programming (building trades, culinary arts, and small engines)
- Certificate programs (NCCER [National Center for Construction Education & Research] Core Curriculum, and OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] 10).
- Evidence-based programming (Thinking for a Change, Inside-Out Dads, and Family Violence Education and Prevention).
Additional programing available to Minimum Unit residents:
- Industries (a building and craft program)
- Wood harvesting
- Real-world work experience through work release job sites
A case manager is assigned to every resident to assist them with transition back into the community at the end of their sentence.
Volunteer programs from within the community visit MVCF to provide residents religious services, AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings.