How to Vote in the Maine Student Mock Election

  1. Register to participate and assign a contact person for your school. Ballots and a reporting form will be emailed to the contact person.

  2. Distribute the ballots and have students cast their votes.

  3. Collect student ballots and tally votes for each office provided to your students.

  4. Report your results - PLEASE remember to report your school's mock election results for inclusion in the statewide totals!

The Mock Election State headquarters is expecting only one e-mail from each shoool. If more than one grade or class voted at your school, please combine the results before reporting.

To report your school’s Mock Election results, please email the Mock Election State Headquarters any day up to and including Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

Email address for results to come.

It is not necessary for Maine Schools to register to participate directly with the National Student/Parent Mock Election (NSPME) via their website. The Secretary of State's Office will provide vote totals to NSPME.

National Student/Parent Mock Election logoNational Student/Parent Mock Election logo