October 21, 2020

The Mock Election Rally and Tally event will not be held due to Covid-19 precausions

Follow this link to view current results and check back for updates.
All tallies submitted to the Rally event will be posted by 5:00 pm.


Image of button to check Mock Election Results


Teacher Review:

GPCS brought the senior Civics class to the mock election held at the Augusta Civic Center. One student was very interested in the election, and he was a supporter of Susan Collins. Senator Collins was there that night, and he was able to meet her and talk to her for a few minutes. This made such an impact on him, that upon returning home after college he was able to volunteer and work on her campaign. He is actively seeking a future in politics and being a participant in the mock election helped him cement this decision. 

Thanks again, 
Keith Dawson
Greater Portland Christian School

Photo of students at Rally & Tallly event

“These are the photos taken by students who participated in the photojournalism booth at the Rally & Tally Student Mock Election on Oct. 26, 2016. Students who used their own cameras to participate are encouraged to upload their photos to this album, too – just click on the link and choose the “Add to Album” icon in the upper right-hand corner.”

2016 Mock Election Rally & Tally photo gallery


2018 Mock Election Agenda PDF Format

Rally Tally Registration Form

Registration Form (Word Doc) - Registration Form (PDF format)


How To Report Mock Election Results:

PLEASE remember to report your school's mock election results for inclusion in the statewide totals!

Instructions for reporting results:

First, collect all the results from your school.  The Mock Election State headquarters are only expecting one call or e-mail from each school.  If more than one grade or more than one class voted at your school, please combine the results before reporting.   

To report your school’s Mock Election results, please contact the Mock Election State Headquarters by phone between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 ONLY or by e-mail any day up to and including October 24, 2018.

Please e-mail your results to:  mockelectionresults@gmail.com

Photos of Rally Tally Celebrations