This page provides links for CE requirements and due dates, how to search for approved CE providers and courses, CE Provider information including course approvals, how to become a provider, fees and statutory requirements.
Continuing Education Information
The Maine Bureau of Insurance continues to update our notification process regarding continuing education reminder notices to now be sent via email. All emails will be sent to the primary email address on record with the Bureau. If there is no email on file, notices will then be mailed. It is most important to keep all of your contact information current, including email addresses.
Per M.R.S. 24-A §1419, “Unless a different time is set by another provision of law, any change of address, telephone number, e-mail address, name or other material change in the conditions or qualifications set forth in the original application of a licensee must be reported to the superintendent no later than 30 days after the change….”
Title 24-A, §1419: Duty to notify of changes; payment of late fee (
In order to verify the email on file, please conduct a licensee look-up via our website at: Licensee Search | PFR Insurance (
Contact information, including email addresses, can be updated electronically via our website at Regulatory Licensing & Permitting Application | Department of Professional and Financial Regulation ( by providing the licensee’s Maine license number and Access Code or Password.