
Giving Thanks for Maine’s Healthy Wild Turkey Population

There was once a time when the state of Maine lost its wild turkey population. In the 1800s before hunting was regulated, turkeys were hunted to extirpation and the future of wild turkeys looked grim for some time. Beginning in the late 1970s, reintroduction efforts to our state began to take after decades of unsuccessful attempts. With their challenging comeback in both Maine and the United States, there are several reasons to be grateful for our currently healthy and widespread wild turkey population.


October’s Upland Adventures

I woke up three times before my alarm even went off, and it was set for well before the sun came up – I was as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. Today was the first day of upland bird hunting for me this year.



A few weeks ago, I was on Cape Cod for my niece’s wedding and Jeff and I had a morning free before we had to be at the ceremony. I suggested we visit Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, which was only about 20 mins away. We left the hotel before 7 and happily avoided the typical traffic one encounters on a Saturday in August on the Cape.


Illegal fish importation case provides insight into why you should care

In late 2019 the Maine Warden Service was contacted by fish and wildlife authorities from Oregon requesting assistance with an investigation of the Green Hill Garden Fish Hatchery in Eugene Oregon. The fish and wildlife officials from Oregon were looking into illegal fish purchases and sales and had identified several shipments from the Oregon hatchery to residents in Maine. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) Game Wardens and Fisheries Biologists conducted a series of interviews to determine the origin, species, and the current whereabouts of any imported fish and whether or not proper permits were obtained from MDIFW prior to the importation or stocking of the fish.


It Takes a Village

On the heels of another record-breaking year for piping plovers in Maine, this endangered beach-nesting shorebird had more pairs (125) and fledged chicks (213) on Maine’s beaches since intensive monitoring began in 1981. MDIFW is mandated to preserve, protect, and enhance the inland fisheries and wildlife resources of the state. This can be difficult to attain for a species vulnerable to climate change, sea level rise, predation, and recreating humans and dogs.


Deer Management in Maine

The state of Maine is a vast region of forested landscapes and unique ecosystems supporting a rich diversity of wildlife and endless opportunities for outdoor recreation. In the last two years, Mainers have turned to the outdoors more than ever, seeking solace through fresh air and fresh food from the field.


The Importance of Regulated Doe Harvest

While you can’t have a deer population without bucks, it is the does (female deer) carrying and raising offspring that drive population growth. Regulated doe harvest is a cornerstone of deer management and is the primary tool used by state deer managers to control or direct deer population growth.


BEE on the Lookout for Rusty Patched Bumble Bees!

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is looking for rusty patched bumble bees and you can help!


Lessons from a Lynx

Often referred to as the “Gray Ghost of the North,” due to its perceived elusiveness, the Canada lynx is more fittingly described as calm, aloof, and surprisingly tolerant of human presence. Their long legs and thick-furred paws act like snowshoes to hunt in deep snow and their eyes have mirror-like cells allowing an increase of light available for the lynx to see at night. In addition to these adaptations, the lynx has a keen sense of hearing and smell, making them exceptional predators and equipped at living in deep snow environments.


Checking in on Peregrine Chicks

The keen eyes of one of the many MDIFW peregrine falcon surveyors, Trish Berube, and the partnership of Chinburg Properties, led to the discovery of a female incubating eggs in a 14-year-old nest box on a historical building in Lewiston. The exact location of this nest box is being kept private at this time to limit disturbance to the young until they fledge early summer.