Managing for a Rare Butterfly at Frye Mountain WMA

By Natural Resources Manager Jack Chappen

Training Held to Promote Economical Ways to Win with Beaver

By Regional Wildlife Biologist Chuck Hulsey

Maine’s Threatened and Endangered Freshwater Fishes

By Native Fish Conservation Biologist Merry Gallagher

Maine is home to two freshwater fish species that are listed under Maine’s Endangered Species Act. 

The Swamp Darter (Etheostoma fusiforme) is listed as Threatened and received that designation in 1997. Darters are known to occur in seven locations within two river drainages in Southern Maine. It is very unlikely that you will ever encounter one! 

Mother Nature’s Colors

By Asst. Regional Biologist Amanda DeMusz

Fall is a beautiful time of year. The leaves are changing and colors abound. However, trees are not the only ones with unique colors. With trapping season upon us, I thought it would be a great time to highlight a popular game species that is near and dear to my heart: the American Marten (Martes americana). Many non-trappers have probably never seen one, but marten come in a variety of colors.

Whitefish Research Project: Factors Influencing Early Whitefish Survival

By Research Technician Dylan Whitaker

Years ago, lake whitefish were considered a popular sport fish in Maine and were readily caught in many waters across the state. Whitefish even supported a commercial fishery in northern Maine for a short time at the turn of the 20th century. However, many of Maine’s whitefish populations have experienced significant declines. Since then, whitefish lost much of its notoriety.

A Patch for Pollinators

By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer

Back in 2012, I discovered that my septic was failing and required an overhaul. Although it was a major inconvenience familiar to many residents of rural areas, it turned into a success story for pollinators!

Multi-party Cooperation Restores Rainbow Smelt Habitat

By Fisheries Biologist Kevin Dunham

Monarchs Inspire a Closer Look at Another Garden Visitor

By Wildlife Biologist Kendall Marden

It was predicted to be a less than perfect year for monarch butterflies in the northeast due to the cold, wet weather that lasted into the early summer. That may be true, but as always with wildlife, it's easy to assume something about a larger population from individual experiences that may only be true in a small area.

If You Build It, They Will Come

By Regional Fisheries Biologist Tim Obrey

The Moosehead Lake Region is blessed with fishing opportunities for wild fish. In this neck of the woods, there are hundreds of ponds, lakes, and countless miles of streams and rivers with thriving populations of wild brook trout.

Invasive Plants – Trouble for Maine’s Wildlife

By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer