K9 School: Basic Obedience
The past few months have been unusual to say the least. Restrictions due to COVID-19 has made some aspects of training difficult and quite different. The original K9 school which was scheduled to run from March to June was canceled.
Managing for New England Cottontail in State Parks
By Wildlife Biologist Sarah Spencer
If you’re a regular reader of the MDIFW Blog, then you’re already familiar with the New England cottontail. If you’ve joined us more recently, welcome! Here’s a quick recap on some of the New England cottontail-themed blogs we’ve shared with you to date:
Make the Most of Your Staycation, Hire a Registered Maine Guide
This summer is a great opportunity to explore all Maine has to offer and try something new. But sometimes it can be intimidating to go to an area you aren’t familiar with or learn something you have never done.
The Case of the Moose Spy
During calving season for moose, which runs from early May to early August when cows are weaning their calves onto a vegetarian and not solely milk-based diet, I have a group of spies in the woods.
Fish Recipes from MDIFW Staff
By Fisheries Management Section Supervisor Joe Overlock, Director of Fisheries & Hatcheries Francis Brautigam, Wildlife Biologist Kendall Marden, and Holly Tremblay
After a day of fishing it is hard to beat going back to your house or camp and cooking your legal catch!
Monitoring Maine's Peregrine Falcons
By Wildlife Promotional Coordinator Lauren McPherson
Recently, I had the opportunity to join one of my colleagues at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) in the field to do some monitoring of a peregrine falcon nesting site, as part of the Department’s ongoing statewide breeding monitoring program.
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