
Governor Janet Mills today welcomed Brigadier General Milutin Djurovic, leader of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, to the State House as part of an official visit to Maine under the National Guard’s State Partnership Program (SPP).

Governor Mills also declares March as Francophonie Month in Maine to celebrate the contributions of people of French heritage

After declaring March as Francophonie Month in Maine, Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today in honor of International Francophonie Day:

Governor also commits more funding to strengthen behavioral health system, address PFAS, and bolster emergency housing services

Change package proposal tackles immediate needs for community services while advancing long-term efforts to strengthen and improve Maine’s behavioral health system

Washington, D.C. — Governor Janet Mills and Maine’s Congressional Delegation announced that President Joe Biden approved a Major Disaster Declaration for the counties of Knox, Waldo, and York as a result of damages from flash and tributary flooding between October 30 and 31, 2021. The Disaster Declaration was requested by the Governor and supported by U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden.

Governor’s funding proposal supports legislation from Senate President Jackson to save Veterans Homes

Governor Janet Mills announced today that she will dedicate $3.5 million in her forthcoming change package to keep the Maine Veterans Homes in Caribou and Machias open. The Governor will propose $1.75 million in General Fund money, which will leverage $1.75 million in additional Federal funding, for a total of $3.5 million.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the difference between median earnings for men and women in Maine who worked full-time, year-round in 2019 was $10,237. 

Governor visits two Maine businesses to hear how economic recovery grants are helping them recover from the pandemic and support their operations and employees

Governor Janet Mills today applauded the Legislature’s Committee on Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement and Business (IDEA) for unanimously supporting a bill sponsored by Speaker Ryan Fecteau to raise the wages of Maine’s child care workers.

Governor Janet Mills, Maine’s first woman Governor, issued the following statement in honor of International Women’s Day:

Governor Janet Mills and Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) Commissioner Amanda Beal issued the following statements applauding an announcement from Organic Valley this morning that the company will offer small Northeast organic family farms a market for their milk after Horizon Organic notified them last year it intended not to renew its contract with

More than 80 percent of awards from Maine Technology Institute will support the economic recovery of small, rural forestry companies

Requests focus on preserving working farmlands and working forests

The Mills Administration today announced two calls for proposals through the Lands for Maine's Future Program (LMF). The requests are for working farmland and working forest proposals and build on earlier solicitations for conservation, recreation, water access, and working waterfront proposals.

If confirmed, Judge Lawrence would be the first black justice on the Maine Supreme Judicial Court.

Aroostook County, MAINE — After joining Maine people in watching the Can-Am International Sled Dog Race, Governor Janet Mills personally presented a Fort Kent business owner with a Maine Jobs and Recovery Grant Award today and visited a Presque Isle business that also received an economic recovery grant from her Administration to support their redevelopment efforts.

Governor Janet Mills and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston announced today that six Maine Working Communities Challenge teams have been selected to receive three-year, $375,000 grants to begin implementing proposals that address local economic problems, including poverty and lack of work opportunity.

Grants of up to $50,000 awarded by Maine Department of Economic and Community development will help small businesses with pandemic-related expenses

Federal cost share measures amid the ongoing COVID-19 emergency that were set to expire on April 1, 2022, have been extended to July 1, 2022

Following its meeting today, Maine’s nonpartisan Revenue Forecasting Committee (RFC) is expected to upgrade the State’s General Fund revenue forecast by approximately $411.6 million for the current biennium, which ends June 2023. At the same time, RFC also expressed significant concern about shifting economic conditions, calling the fiscal environment “uncertain” and “variable” and noting that the accuracy of their forecast becomes less reliable in future years, leading them to urge caution in use of the revenues.

Governor asks Maine people to join in expressing support for Ukraine and calls on State Liquor and Lottery Commission to delist Russia-made spirits 

Governor Janet Mills released the following statement today on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s updated masking guidance:

Augusta, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today expressing her deep gratitude to members of the Maine National Guard whose deployments to Maine hospitals are scheduled to end today.

Augusta, MAINE – Governor Janet Mills issued the following statement today on the planned closure of the Maine Veterans’ Homes in Caribou and Machias:

Augusta, MAINE — Due to worsening winter weather conditions impacting much of the state, Governor Janet Mills has directed all State of Maine offices to close today, Friday, February 25, 2022.

“With the storm worsening, I am closing State offices today,” said Governor Janet Mills. “I encourage all Maine people to drive carefully if you have to be on the roads and please be sure to give plenty of space to road crews and first responders as they work to keep us safe.”

Augusta, MAINE — Due to a forecasted winter storm expected to impact much of the state, Governor Janet Mills has directed all State of Maine offices to open on a delayed schedule for tomorrow, Friday, February 25, 2022, at 11:00 AM.

"Recent warmer weather should not make us underestimate this winter storm," said Governor Janet Mills. "I encourage all Maine people to be careful during their morning commute tomorrow, giving plenty of space to road crews as they work to clear the roads."