Governor Mills Welcomes Montenegro’s Chief of Defense to State House

Photo: Major General Farnham, Governor Mills Welcome Brigadier General Milutin Djurovic of Montenegro to MaineProclaims ‘Montenegro-Maine Partnership Day’

Governor Janet Mills today welcomed Brigadier General Milutin Djurovic, leader of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, to the State House as part of an official visit to Maine under the National Guard’s State Partnership Program (SPP). The Governor also signed a proclamation declaring today "Montenegro-Maine Partnership Day" to mark the 15th anniversary of the partnership between Maine and Montenegro.

The Maine National Guard has been partnered with Montenegro through the SPP since December 7, 2006, and the visit marks the first visit to Maine by Montenegrin officials since the 15-year anniversary this past December.

“It was a privilege to meet with Brigadier General Djurovic and his staff today. In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the people of Maine commend the people of Montenegro for their commitment to being a source of stability and freedom in the Balkan region,” said Governor Mills. “I look forward to Maine’s continued partnership with Montenegro and, in that spirit, I am pleased to proclaim today Montenegro-Maine Partnership Day in honor of our 15 years of friendship and security cooperation.”

“It is always a pleasure to welcome our Montenegrin friends to Maine,” said Major General Douglas Farnham, Maine’s Adjutant General. “Our organizations have shared a lot in our 15 years of partnership – everything from mountain infantry tactics and leadership exercises, to cybersecurity support and emergency management planning. We were privileged to stand alongside them in 2017 when they officially joined NATO, and we look forward to many more years of friendship and collaboration.”

Nationwide, 85 partnerships exist between ally and partner nation militaries and state National Guard elements, with each of the 54 states and territories having at least one state partner.