Teen and Young Adult Health Program
Shannon King, Program Manager
Our Vision:
All Maine youth are healthy, safe and respected.
Our Mission:
We will work with communities and state agencies to assure that all adolescents have skills and access to services, information, and the supports that promote healthy life choices.
Program Overview:
The public health needs of adolescents are addressed in many programs across Maine State Government. The Teen and Young Adult Health Program funds some services that directly impact teens and works collaboratively with others to ensure an integrated approach and best practice. Within the Teen and Young Adult Health (TYAH) Program we focus on the following program goals:
Program Goals:
- To increase teens’ access to health care, including mental health;
- To increase healthy behaviors of adolescents;
- To reduce teen pregnancy and unintended births;
- To promote positive youth development and youth involvement; and
- To promote evidence-based programs and integrated services.
Priority Populations:
- Youth and young adults (ages 10 to 24)
Program Activities:
- Provide funding for clinical reproductive health services and training and technical assistance to schools to implement evidence-based programs (Family Planning Association of Maine)
- Develop and implement the Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS) which tracks the health behaviors, risk factors and assets of Maine youth. It includes data from kindergarteners, 3rd graders and 5th through 12th graders. It is a collaborative between the Division of Family Health and the Division of Chronic Disease in the Maine CDC; the Office of Substance Abuse; and the Department of Education. Data contributes to the national Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).
- Provide funding and technical support and develop policy for school-based health centers (17 SBHC partially funded in FY 10)
- Partner with the Office of Substance Abuse, Healthy Maine Partnerships, the Maine Youth Suicide Prevention Program and others to coordinate activities and build integrated systems
- Provide technical assistance, advocacy and support to agencies and organizations working to improve adolescent health
- Collaborate with other State agencies on adolescent health issues
Funding Sources
- Maternal & Child Health Block Grant from the Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
- Fund for a Healthy Maine funds; and
- State Maternal and Child Health matching funds;
(37% General Fund; 49% Fund for a Healthy Maine; 13% Federal)
Deptartment of Health and Human Services
Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Teen and Young Adult Health Program
11 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0011
Phone: 1-207-287-5364
TTY: Maine relay 711
- Maine Assembly on School-Based Health Care
- Family Planning Association of Maine
- Maine Youth Action Network
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS 2007)
- Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS 2009)