Division of Environmental Health



The companies that are currently registered to provide radon services, from testing, to laboratory services to the mitigation companies that can fix a radon problem, can all be found through an online search of our database. Please follow the directions below:

Step 1: Click the link below


Step 2: Click “Search Companies

Step 3: Click “Show Additional Search Options

Step 4: Click the type of list you want
For radon air test kits, click “Stationary Lab(air)”
For radon water test kits, click “Stationary Lab(water)”
For radon air mitigators, click “Mitigate air”
For radon water mitigators, click “Mitigate water”
For radon air testers, click “Test air” (note- if you are looking for a radon air tester who uses a continuous radon monitor, click “Portable lab” instead)
For radon water testers, click “Test water”

Step 5: Click ”Search active licenses only

Step 6: Click the “Search” button

Step 7: Pick a company, then click on their name for their contact information and service area.