Home → Veterans Recognition → Maine Heroes → State of Maine Gold Star Honor Roll
State of Maine Gold Star Honor Roll

This list represents service members known to the Maine Bureau of Veterans’ Services from Maine or with ties to Maine who were Killed in Action or who died while on Active Duty. The first spreadsheet is for all Maine Heroes who died in Theater. This list includes all who were Maine residents, as well as those with ties to Maine. The second spreadsheet is filtered to only display those who were Maine residents prior to deployment/entering Active Duty. The third spreadsheet is filtered to display those who have family in Maine, or went to school in Maine, so these are known as the "With Ties To Maine" list.
A list of Fallen Heroes with ties to Maine is available in PDF and Excel formats. If you don't have one of these programs installed, you may download the Adobe Reader or Excel Viewer by clicking the appropriate link, however, make sure to review the system requirements prior to downloading. If you are not able to download these and would like to request a copy be mailed to you, please email: mainebvs@maine.gov