State of Maine

Rules of the Department of Marine Resources

Copies of the rules of the following agency may be downloaded and viewed by clicking on the links next to each rule title. If, after clicking on a rule link, the rule does not appear on your screen, try looking in your computer’s downloads folder in case the copy of the rule was directly delivered there.

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13  188   Marine Resources - General
Ch. 1     Watercraft Excise Tax Decal
Ch. 2     Aquaculture Lease Regulations (pdf)
Ch. 3     Foreign Fish Processing within Maine's Territorial Sea
Ch. 4     Municipal Shellfish Conservation Warden Certification
Ch. 5     Confidentiality of Fisheries Statistics
Ch. 6     Lobster Processing
Ch. 7     Requirements for Municipalities Having Shellfish Conservation Programs
Ch. 8     Landings Program
Ch. 9     Harvester: Shellstock Harvesting, Handling and Sanitation
Ch. 10    Clams and Quahogs
Ch. 11    Scallops
Ch. 12    Mussels
Ch. 13    Whelks and Periwinkles
Ch. 14    Oyster Regulations
Ch. 15    General Shellfish Sanitation Requirements (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 16    Uniform Physical Plant Equipment and Operation Requirements (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 17    Shucker-Packer (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 18    Shellstock Shipping (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 19    Reshipping (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 20    Depuration (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 21    Shellfish Relay (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 22    Retail Shellfish
Ch. 23    Standards for Closure of Contaminated or Polluted Flats (Repealed; see Ch. 94)
Ch. 24    Importation of Live Marine Organisms
Ch. 25    Lobster and Crab
          Appendices taken from the "Interstate Fishery Management Plan for American Lobster," in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format:
          Amendment 3
          Amendment 3 Addendum I
          Amendment 3 Addendum II
          Amendment 3 Addendum III
          Amendment 3 Addendum III Technical Addendum #1
          Amendment III Addendum IV
Ch. 26    Sea Urchins
Ch. 27    Sea Cucumbers
Ch. 28    Marine Worms
Ch. 29    Seaweed
Ch. 30    River Herring
Ch. 31    Horseshoe Crabs
Ch. 32    Eel Regulations
Ch. 34    Groundfish Regulations
Ch. 36    Atlantic Herring
Ch. 37    Freshwater Fish Regulations
Ch. 39    Sturgeon
Ch. 40    Smelt Regulations
Ch. 41    Menhaden
Ch. 42    Striped Bass
Ch. 43    Bluefish
Ch. 44    American Shad
Ch. 45    Shrimp
Ch. 49 Shellfish Bait Permit Ch. 50 Spiny Dogfish and Coastal Sharks Ch. 51 Black Sea Bass Ch. 52 Atlantic Mackerel Ch. 55 Gear Restrictions Ch. 60 Resource Management Plan (The following items, incorporated by reference, are in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format.) Lower Kennebec River Anadromous Fish Restoration Plan and Inland Fisheries Management Overview: Cover Page Strategic Plan and Operational Plan for the Restoration of Shad and Alewives to the Kennebec River Above Augusta: Foreword The Strategic Plan for the Restoration of Shad and Alewives to the Kennebec River Above Augusta Operational Plan for the Restoration of Shad and Alewives to the Kennebec River Atlantic Salmon Management in the Kennebec River Appendix A: Summary of Water Quality in the Kennebec River Basin Appendix B: Lower Kennebec River Inland Fisheries Management Overview Appendix I: Kennebec River Brown Trout Management Plan Sandy River Brown Trout Management Plan Amendment One to the Saco River Strategic Plan for Fisheries Management Ch. 65 Burnt Island, Living Lighthouse and Facilities Ch. 70 Cable Area Prohibitions Ch. 75 Protected Resources Ch. 80 Commercial Pelagic and Anadromous Fishing License Ch. 85 Saltwater Fishing Registry Ch. 90 Conservation Areas Ch. 91 Spat Collection Ch. 94 Sanitary Control of Molluscan Shellfish Shellfish Closures: refer to the Department of Marine Resources site. Ch. 95 Closed Areas - Due to Pollution Ch. 96 Closed Areas - Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Ch. 105 Safety Regulations Ch. 110 Marine Harvesting Demonstration License Ch. 115 Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control Plan