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Health & Safety
Find a doctor, search sex offender database, report a crime, order water test kits, order criminal history records, and more.
- 911 Addressing Officer Search
- Agency: MPUC
- Description:
Find the 9-1-1 addressing officer for your community.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- 911 Interactive Kids' Site
- Agency: MPUC
- Description:
A fun way to teach kids about using 911, with interactive games, puzzles, a quiz, and full cast of animated Maine characters.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Air Quality Monitoring Data Service
- Agency: DEP
- Description:
Current air quality data from monitoring stations around the state, as well as acid rain measurements.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Assisted Living Facilities Search
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
Search for assisted living facilities in Maine by county, city, or type.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Bicyclists: Suggest a Road Improvement
- Agency: Transportation
- Description:
Spot ME is a joint program of the Maine Department of Transportation and the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. The Spot ME Program is designed to address low cost road improvements to State roads that will enhance bicycle saftey and access (maintenance work, signs and striping, and small construction projects.)
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Board of Licensure in Medicine License Renewals
- Agency: PFR
- Description:
This online service allows physicians to renew their license between 4:00am and 11:00pm EST with a valid Visa or MasterCard through Maine.gov's secure payment server.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Burning Permits
- Agency: Conservation
- Description:
Purchase open burning permits online from participating municipalities.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Criminal History Records
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
This online site provides you with electronic access to request criminal history record and juvenile crime information maintained by the Maine State Police. This records search will provide you with conviction and adjudication information for adult and juvenile crimes committed within the State of Maine
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Subscriber,Non-Subscriber
- Cyber Crime Report/Tip Form
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
Report information about a cyber crime to the Maine Computer Crimes Task Force.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Email/Text Notification Services
- Agency: InforME
- Description:
Sign up for free Maine.gov email or text message (SMS) notifications for weather, news, public meetings, emergency alerts, reminders and more.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Emergency Medical Professionals: Check License Status
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
This service allows emergency medical professionals to check the status of their EMS license and continuing education credits online.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Farmstands & Farm Stores Search
- Agency: Agriculture
- Description:
Search for local farmstands and stores. Search by a variety of product types including seeds, compost and seedlings for spring planting. Find producers who sell meat, poultry, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and cut flowers all summer.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Fingerprint Registration Online For Resource Families
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
This service allows Resource Families to pay for a fingerprinting packet from DHHS.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Fingerprint Registration Online For Teachers
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
Use this service to schedule fingerprint appointments for teachers, which are scheduled and posted two months ahead of time. You must pre-register to reserve an appointment time.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Hazardous & Oil Spill System Online Reports
- Agency: DEP
- Description:
Search the system to find out about reported hazardous and oil spills and to obtain an official report.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Health & Human Services Directory (2-1-1)
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
The 2-1-1 online directory provides a searchable statewide listing of over 5,000 community resources for health and human services, including agency services and support groups. Topics covered include counseling, domestic violence, maternal/child health, substance abuse, disability services, veterans services, crisis intervention, child care, and volunteering.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?:
- Health Inspection Program License Renewals
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
This online service allows for the renewal of licenses under the Division of Environmental Health, Health Inspection Program.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Maine Organ Donor Registry Online Service
- Agency: Secretary of State
- Description:
This online service provides Maine residents with a Maine driver's license or State ID Card the ability to add their name to or remove their name from the Maine Organ Donor Registry.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Maine.gov Media Gallery
- Agency: InforME
- Description:
Find video and audio from various state agencies.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- My Maine Connection
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
My Maine Connection is a one-stop connection to the Food Supplement Program, Medical Assistance, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and/or Child Care. A screening tool helps you find out if you are eligible. The website also has an online application to apply for these programs.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Ozone Forecasts & Data
- Agency: DEP
- Description:
Current ozone and particulate pollution conditions and forecasts for the upcoming 24 hours.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Physician and Physician Assistant Search
- Agency: PFR
- Description:
Search for a licensed physician or physician assistant in Maine, by name, town or speciality, and check the license status.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Professional Licensee Search
- Agency: PFR
- Description:
This free search service allows you to find a licensed professional and/or check the license status of a professional licensed by the Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Public Criminal History Records
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
Request public criminal history record and juvenile crime information maintained by the Maine State Police. This records search will provide you with conviction and adjudication information for adult and juvenile crimes committed within the State of Maine.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Subscriber,Non-Subscriber
- Road Conditions & Delays
- Agency: Transportation
- Description:
The Maine 511 Website provides up the minute information about Maine road conditions, closures, delays, and other advisories that may affect your travel in Maine.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Sex Offender Registry Search
- Agency: Public Safety
- Description:
Search the database of registered sex offenders in Maine, maintained by the Maine State Police. The service provides the public information about the location of registered offenders currently within Maine.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Substance Abuse Treatment & Prevention Services
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
Searchable directory of licensed alcohol and drug abuse treatment agencies and prevention programs operating in the State of Maine. You may search the directory by a variety of criteria, including location, and available services.
- Fee or Free: Free
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber
- Water Test Kit Orders
- Agency: DHHS
- Description:
Order a water test kit online from the Maine Bureau of Health.
- Fee or Free: Fee
- Subscription?: Non-Subscriber