Maine CareerCenters
Get free one-on-one assistance with your job search, attend a workshop, or network with employers and job seekers at the CareerCenter.
Maine JobLink Search the Maine JobLink for jobs in Maine or across the country.
Other Job Search Boards
Browse for jobs on these popular local, national, and specialty job board sites.
Careercenter Workshops
No-cost workshops at Maine CareerCenters help you improve your job search, resume and interviews.
Tips on Finding a Job in Maine (PDF)
View our "Job Hunting in Maine" guide for information on resume writing writing, interviewing and more.
Work Permits for Youth
If you are under 16 want a job, you can find information on how to get a work permit in Maine.
Career Development and Training
Maine-at-Work Initiative: Maine Department of Labor and our Workforce Partners provide a variety of employment and training services at no charge for people seeking jobs in Maine.
Career Exploration
Find the career that is right for you. This site matches your interests and abilities with different career options.
Upgrade Your Skills
Search for eligible Training Providers approved for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act services.
Find Jobs in Demand
Learn which occupations in Maine are growing and how much they pay.
Federal Bonding Program
Obtain Fidelity Bonds to guarantee honesty for "at-risk," hard-to-place job seekers.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Get a federal tax credit when you hire workers from targeted groups that have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.
Use of CareerCenter equipment and meeting space
Interview space, conference rooms, video conferencing equipment and computers are available to employers recruiting workers at the CareerCenter
Job Fairs
Meet with hundreds of prospective employees at one of the CareerCenters many job fairs throughout the state.
Labor Market Information
Get data on wages, jobs in demand, employment and industry trends and much more.
CareerCenter staff can refer you to appropriate training and help you make a plan to meet your workforce needs.
Maine Apprenticeship Program: connects job seekers looking to learn new skills with employers looking for qualified workers, resulting in a workforce with industry-driven training and employers with a competitive edge.
SafetyWorks!: an outreach program of the Maine Department of Labor designed to reduce job-related injuries, illnesses and deaths.
Job Listings, Training, and Resources
Maine CareerCenters: Locate the CareerCenter closest to you, where job seekers can get help with career development and job placement, and employers can obtain recruitment services.
Career Exploration: Everyone can explore their career options by knowing about high growth jobs with better wages and brighter futures.
America's Career One Stop: Another site containing general resources about getting and keeping jobs, help with career decision-making, finding jobs in other states, and locating services, and employer recruitment services.