By IFW Fisheries Biologists Greg Burr and Colin Shankland
[caption id="attachment_2459" align="alignright" width="478"] This clogged culvert that separated the two Getchell Lakes caused Upper Getchell to flow into the St.
[caption id="attachment_2448" align="alignright" width="291"] Some native plants, such as alders, willows and dogwood, can be planted using the live stake method, which is basically a branchless stick.
[caption id="attachment_2442" align="alignright" width="317"] IFW Fisheries Assistant Tom Barrows shows some campers a rainbow trout and how to indentify them.[/caption]
By IFW Fisheries Biologist Jason Seiders
IFW biologists in central and midcoast Maine depend on stocking programs to create trout fishing opportunities for our anglers.