State of Maine Proclamation


WHEREAS, Maine’s maple sugarbush provides recreational opportunities, wildlife habitat, pulp and firewood, and forest management for the communities where they are located; and

WHEREAS, Maine produces more than 575,000 gallons of maple syrup annually, contributing an estimated $55 million to Maine’s economy; and

WHEREAS, this industry provides a sustainable source of income, over 800 full- and part-time jobs in rural Maine, and nearly $27 million in salaries; and

WHEREAS, advances in technology and an abundance of untapped trees continue to fuel growth, and Maine’s production has more than doubled in the last 15 years; and

WHEREAS, Pure Maine Maple Syrup is designated as Maine’s official sweetener, recognized for its rich flavor and natural purity; and

WHEREAS, Maine is the 3rd leading state producing maple syrup, behind Vermont and New York; and

WHEREAS, Maine is renowned for the excellent quality of its syrup because of our soil, climate, and the dedication of our sugar makers; and

WHEREAS, Maine was among the first states to open its sugar houses and invite the public in to see how syrup is made; and

WHEREAS, 2025 marks the 42nd annual celebration of Maine Maple Sunday;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Janet T. Mills, Governor of the State of Maine, do hereby proclaim the fourth weekend in March, March 22 and 23, 2025, as

Maine Maple Sunday Weekend

throughout the state, and I encourage all Maine people to celebrate the world-class products – and people – that make Maine unique.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed GIVEN under my hand at Augusta this twelfth day of February Two Thousand Twenty-Five

Official Seal of the State of Maine

  • Signature of Shenna Bellows
  • Shenna Bellows
  • Secretary of State
  • Signature of Janet Mills
  • Janet T. Mills
  • Governor