State of Maine Proclamation


WHEREAS, the speaking of French is an expression and affirmation of a people's cultural identity; and

WHEREAS, the State of Maine is named after the Province of Maine in France, and the towns of Paris and Calais owe their names to the capital city of France and the French port city of Calais, respectively; and

WHEREAS, more than one third of the population of Maine is of French and Canadian descent and Franco-Americans in Maine have contributed much to the beauty and quality of this State; and

WHEREAS, French is the primary language of thousands of Maine citizens and there has been a resurgence in the use of the French language and a heightened appreciation of Franco-American heritage throughout the State; and

WHEREAS, clubs and organizations to promote French culture and language have sprung up across the State, including the Franco-American Caucus at the Capitol; and

WHEREAS, the first Franco-American Day was celebrated at the State Capitol on March 6, 2002; and

WHEREAS, March 20th is the International Day of La Francophonie, celebrating the bond between francophone regions around the world and their shared values of democracy, human rights, cultural diversity, and solidarity; and

WHEREAS, Le Mois de la Francophonie is celebrated during the month of March providing Maine residents the opportunity to celebrate and discover the French language;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Janet T. Mills, Governor of the State of Maine, do hereby proclaim the month of March 2025 as

Francophonie Month

throughout the State of Maine, and I urge all citizens to mark this observation with appropriate ceremony and activity.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed GIVEN under my hand at Augusta this nineteenth day of February Two Thousand Twenty-Five

Official Seal of the State of Maine

  • Signature of Shenna Bellows
  • Shenna Bellows
  • Secretary of State
  • Signature of Janet Mills
  • Janet T. Mills
  • Governor